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Big Jim101

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Everything posted by Big Jim101

  1. i dont know if i should get a 50% collie first cross or a 25% so please advise! if i get only 25% (eg. collie/grey x whippet) will it be a bit lacking in brain, which i need as hell be working some hard ground and i need him well trained as hell be running around sheep. however if i get 50% collie first cross will he lack speed or the general prey drive?? any advice would be much appreciated!
  2. I like the sound of the collie/whippet/grey alot, might even go 50% whippet because although i do work some large fields most are smaller with a fair bit of cover. never seen a cross with beddy in working though, what are they like?? and if i chose to go more whippet than grey would that mean it couldnt take a hare??
  3. yeah i was thinking about something down the collie/whippet/grey line but in what proportions?
  4. cant decide on the right cross . . .

    1. christian71


      What about this one X

    2. tubba


      greyhound x malinos x saluki

  5. Alright im new to this forum, so here goes! Im finally getting my first lurcher after working with my colleges dogs on the farm for a few years. Just wanted some advice on what would be the best cross?? im working mainly flat grass land, with quite alot of hedgerows and cover. My main Quarry is rabbits, although wouldnt mind a run on the odd hare (if visiting Ireland of course . . .). I have no interest in bigger quarry like foxes. The dog also needs to be trainable in the main commands. so guys, what advice/crosses you got for me??
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