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Everything posted by biskit

  1. Those are probably the best ratting pics i've ever seen , Got my heart racing just seeing some of them . More more more.
  2. That sounds easier than what it actually is,good eating but a bugger to skin.
  3. my lurcher's have been bitten loads by them and never had any probs I heard that, but my staff's never had any problems. My old terrier use to get bit by the first one it caught in spring every year,no side affects ever but never remembered the bite from the previous year and always got bit .
  4. Just to give you an update.One of the birds has just started crowing but by the time I get to the end of the garden to see what one it is ,it stops.
  5. A dexters wedge works for me.
  6. thanks for your feedback
  7. i just got 3 chooks of a neighbour about 2 months old,does anyone know how i can make sure they are all hens and not cocks? ng.I just don't want to hear a crowin when I just want to hear a clucking.
  8. I never seem to go wrong with a dexters wedge,plenty of weight to them so you can get em right out there,great for bass mackerel and gar.
  9. hi to all,just got back into the dog scene(after a good while out of it)love reading the forums ,maybe see some of you in the field

  10. I was just wondering is this fair any good?is it a good day out for the dog ,wife and kids.
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