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Everything posted by LUCY04

  1. contact you on 121 ffs what number is that mate have you been drinking buy any chace
  2. i have saw this pup in the flesh and hes a smashing looking dog
  3. its up to yourself but if you take every dog you feel soft on then you end up with a load of dogs that you feel sorry for but it mite turn out the right dog for you only you can decide to take it or not
  4. are you running 2 dogs on rabbits mate if so thats daft but thats my oppion each man to thare own tho atb
  5. aye blue rope burns the f*****g hand off you well it depends what you have on the slip
  6. is your mates dog called zac its breed of bud9 bitch and scorsmans zues
  7. well mate tyour pup is not a dog for me and your mates yorkie/patt is another no go for me you lads must be like a rescue centere and just take anything if i was told of a litter and they told me that the x was that i would not waste my time even looking at them but like you say every man to thare own good luck
  8. these things happen mate a wonder how 44david44 is arm is today becouse his bitch can pull like a steam train just aswell hes a lump of a lad to keep hold of her i honestly got a shoke when i saw how fast his bitch could run a dont think hes going to have any worrys about his bitch not being fast enough for anything
  9. well me and a couple of the lads from the site organised to go out for a mooch about last nite it was not the best of nites but we went anyways we went and met up with 1 of the lads to try some of his permission he has not long just got so first field on with the lamp and thare was a ginger sitting but was not in for moveing so on we went and saw a few rabbits but we were not have much joy with no wind it was warm and it was also abit light so we went to another bit of ground and no luck again so we just called it a night and we had a hour travel to get home and we were going to try a couple o
  10. try the for sale section mate
  11. thats a big bitch for the breed of her at 9 month nice stamp tho atb with her mate
  12. A f*****g haggis..!!! do yous dirty bstards still eat that haggis tatties and neeps thats what its called mate get yourself in about it
  13. she is most likely in season mate as for them pictures not all bitchs look like that when thare in season well none of mine have been like that anyways
  14. i suppose it depends on if your getting plenty of runs i dont mind doubleing up myself but if thare was plenty about then yes i would single slips all depends but thats my oppion
  15. so these pups are collie/grey x bull/gray nice pups atb with them
  16. nice litter of pups you have thare mate how much are these pups going for
  17. you do get alot of people slateing white dogs but its no so much terriers that get that slateing its the white lurchers that get a bit of a hard time i like the white lakelands and i have always fancyed geting one i had a lakeland/russell about 8/9 year back and she was a good littel bitch and she could get alot of places the other terriers could not and i took a litter off her and the pups ended up with big cracking heads one of the bitch pups my mate got and he still has her to this and you would think she is a dog or got abit bull in her with the size of her nutt
  18. over the last few years thares to meny people breeding dogs for £££££ instead of for thare working ability and unless you no who you are geting the pup from and know abit about the back groud i think most of the time they will tell you the dog is bred with this and that when realy they dont have a clue themselfs the dog world is geting worse thats why i think its beter sticking to genuine lads and that way when you buy whatever x your geting what you pay for becouse thares to meny PEDDLERS getting about
  19. so you user name is terriermanmark but you have sold them all so get that user name changed to lurchermanmark untill you sell up again but the bitch is a nice looking bitch it looks similer to my mates except his is in far beter conditon tho good luck with it
  20. av never saw anything like that before but 1 thing is for sure thares been a alot of sport going on
  21. a showed face today aswell to see some of the lads and saw a few nice dogs thare aswell
  22. yes mate get yourself a shock coller and just show him whos the boss
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