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Everything posted by leewalters

  1. like the big dog at the top good lokking dog
  2. reading this thread makes me thinks that johnh is abit of a riddler
  3. well i cant be a armchair hunter allday better go work

  4. the youngun got nursery but i still find myself watching kids programs

  5. i remember seeing that bitch what a lovely animal r.i.p
  6. going for a shine tonight hopefully i see something

    1. nothernlite
    2. The Duncan

      The Duncan

      Listen out for screaming brass monkeys!

  7. not alot happening today

  8. got hw90k theoben forale mate im askin £200 for it plus it got a logun lamp with it as well pm me if your intrested
  9. hw90k forsale 250 ono

    1. paulus


      is it in the sales section???

    2. leewalters
    3. PIL


      You better hope malt don't see this ... Lol

  10. I've been out for afew hours totally shite to be honest,saw one rabbit and one hare looked like the guys with the guns had beat us to it again!
  11. im looking at buying a hw 90 gas ram what sort of price would i expect to pay for a secondhand one
  12. Excellent result there guys probably wont see that many rabbits here all season, Atb
  13. sunday lunch at the owd mans then owt for a mooch later

  14. Looks like you had good day and the pups look good aswell,lets see what the future holds for them hope they do you proud ATB
  15. Alot better. Bunnys lol I'm out for a mooch at the minute and it freezing
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