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the deciple

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Everything posted by the deciple

  1. that john terry dont half get about http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbs.gif
  2. wat is it a sexual thing you do with your dogs
  3. Alright mate i know for 3 choc pups for sale quid do you no a guy name willy from your way??
  4. sounds like a bad day at the office then mate better luck next time
  5. do you know willy he just had a litter and he got 3 choc pups 8 week old
  6. yea got land got a hundred acre farm lots of rabbits my chinese qwail has'nt long hatched so it will be a while before if starts to fly
  7. Thank you mate fish lol
  8. the deciple

    new bird

    I just bought my self a new bird to do sum hunting and just woundering the best way to get it hunting
  9. what is tripe? a fish or something?
  10. who are you sloth from the goonies???? with that post of your
  11. sounds like you are also a victim of the dreaded mink!!!!!!!! i had to have a tetness and the smell stayed around as long as the swollen ball bag!!!!! :thumbdown:
  12. Im realy hurt were are those naked pictures i was promised.

  13. you think they stink try having a mink on the end of your balls. with swollen glans thats stinks little f****r s
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