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Everything posted by waz77

  1. I hope your not gona be starting any shit on my shoot on sat Paddy??
  2. Your not wrong there In the 2nd pic you can even see "its" ears lol
  3. Lol...was just thinking to myself that little rough haired one was a bit small and was getting pushed out of the milk bar....then i realised it was bitch's leg...about 5 mins later
  4. Good luck with em fell,hope they deliver the goods
  5. I doubt if the thieving scrotes are on the t'interweb,more likely came about from all the books etc he's been in.If we did'nt talk about terriermen and their dogs like AN,BN,KG etc the terrier section would be a fairly boring place with pics of dead foxes and smashed up dogs.No ones ever given any info on here about him that would help thieves.JMO
  6. waz77


    Under funded!!! Where the feck did they get the £1,000,000 that they donated to the labour party shortly before the hunt ban then???
  7. Yeah i'd defo be up for it,ive got mine tattoo'd already but will do as much as poss to deter the thieving feckers
  8. You've some fecking funny tastes you Darcy...Still its better than little boys
  9. If you did'nt want people to see your dogs you would'nt be parading them round a fecking show
  10. A might give my bawbag a quick once over with the flannel tomoro cos its sunday....hardly compares to your night of indulgance tho mrs sweepy
  11. Nog when you moving the reciever about leave it in each place for 4 or 5 secs once you got a close mark,find the lowest reading then move it a foot up,down,left,right but leave it on the floor in each position for a bit each time,if you get a lower reading when you move it start again using that point as the centre,like you say sometimes you can move it a few feet without it altering because of dips etc,if that happens find the centre of that mark and dig there,thats what i do and always dropped into the tube so far
  12. Nice pups smelly dog,is that lad with the posh new boots having one?
  13. it's also a good help to turn the collar on to in it waz Yes ive since found that if you turn the fecker on before you turn your dog in its a lot easier to find :oops:
  14. A lot do that donnie but i find them a big help,as long as you read between the lines
  15. Money well spent nog.When you using it if your following the arrows but the numbers are going up turn 180' and go opposite way,the numbers should then go down and your heading in the right direction.
  16. Depends on wether your pen is part of one of your drives? As the birds disperse they'll be eating more out of the pen and less in it but they will still come back in the evening so keep a few filled up but once all the birds have gone from the pens you dont need to feed them there unless you will be using it as part of a drive.
  17. The birds will find their own way out when they are ready,they will be roosting in the trees in and around the pen,as they find their legs they will start coming down from roost and landing outside pen and gradually exploring further away as time goes on,so you need to have your hoppers filled and ready so when they go wandering they will find them and you can get them to go roughly where you want them. As for changing over some say you should feed pellets till they're around 14-16wks but most these days with high cost of food change them over around 12wks or so.When the time comes i just fil
  18. Just keep at it mate,start off doing a bit of rabbiting or ratting if you can get it then build up your permission,and if you got a motor get traveling,some places are easier to get permission than others
  19. Get out there nog,i did for over 20yrs on my own,you'll learn more slowly without someone to show you the way but you'll learn a lot quicker than being sat in the house. It took me prob 10yrs before i started getting any decent permission...the terrier game is a long road to get to where you want to be and if your not dedicated you will lose interest before you get there...but if you stick at it one day you'll get a bit of luck. How old are you nog? If your a young lad you will find it harder to get permission but as you get older it gets easier(not much tho)
  20. Maybe we should all put our C.V's up Although most of mine have run out now cos ive been a tree surgeon for 4yrs and they run out after 90days
  21. I take you'd be tacking weld mesh etc John? If i were you i'd go for a mig/mag set.Reason being with a stick set to start welding you need to strike the rod like a match for it to arc up...now trying to do that on a strand of weld mesh aint an easy thing to do when you've got your head screen down and cant see feck all.With a mig set you simply put your electrode where you want to tack and press the button,they are much easier to use and more versatile.They're more expensive than a stick set but you get what you pay for.
  22. I dug one today so i'd say the weather is on our side at the mo
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