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Everything posted by waz77

  1. All dogs can be sickened if you abuse them
  2. Thats a bit late for cubs to be in a hole at this time especially with the weather being so hot No mate the cubs were 2 weeks old...not 2 weeks ago....its was about 3yrs ago
  3. Had 4 adult foxes out of a small bale stack one winter,and a litter of 9 cubs out of a 1 holer only about 2 weeks old
  4. My post was'nt aimed at you btw co chise
  5. Doubling up dogs is not cricket.....or terrierwork
  6. Ok i lied .....but everyone else does it on here.
  7. I once entered a terrier and it stayed until dug to
  8. Get some plastic coated metal canes from B+Q and drill and bolt them together about 6" from top,as good as any you'll buy and only cost about a fiver so you wont be too pissed off when you leave them against a high seat and forget to pick them up on your way down
  9. The rubber duck season ended months ago.........
  10. Try freestart,they do a deal at min for £99 year and they do it for you but its easy enough to do yourself
  11. Signed it.Some people disgust me....fecking scum!!
  12. I recently bought a pair of bushnell trophy 10x42's and they are very good,i'd been using a pair of swarovski's (8x30 i think) for deer stalking and the bushnell are just as good (bearing in mind they are bigger mag and objective lens) but at a fraction of the price and gauranteed for life they are def worth the money,i think you can get them from as little as £ and uttings do a deal where you get them and a pair of 8x20's for about £120
  13. This was with a regular black crow doing crowie things like crows do
  14. Was watching a pure white crow today,has anyone else ever seen one? Ive seen pied ones before but this was all over white with a white beak but black eyes,was within 100yrds of it and had it in the binoculars so i know it was def a crow,was interesting to see
  15. I would'nt be in the least bit suprised....then sold on ebay
  16. waz77


    You could be onto something there smelly dog! Put me down for a pup.I promise to beat it with a shovel if it does'nt live upto my expectations and as soon as it comes into season i'll let you have a pup back....for just a grand!
  17. Ok have a look at brewers spruce then,the foliage hangs and cones are longer
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