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Everything posted by waz77

  1. Bad mouths can be bred out of a line if you were really that bothered but it would result in a lot of litter wastage.If you had a real good line of workers that had mouths so bad it was starting to cause probs then it would be worth it but otherwise not. Both parents have to carry the recessive gene for it to show in the pups.So to breed it out you would breed 1 parent to a dog that is a known carrier,if the pups all appear clear then the parent is not a carrier although the pups would be.Do the same with dogs and bitches till you find which ones are'nt carriers then you have breeding stock t
  2. Just had a bitch pup open eyes at 7 days others were a couple of days later. Wee fuckers are on the look out for solids already at 16 days. Pretty early developers
  3. Busted alot of whats said on here is common knowledge and has been for a few years fella before thl came to be till thl came i was saving it up for a book They do say any publicity is good publicity Stig
  4. THL is getting like wikileaks with terriermen getting busted left right and centre who's next to be outed?
  5. What the f**k is with that avatar??
  6. f**k me them boys that won the digging comp have'nt got any better looking since i last saw them... I hope you kissed it at the end of the dig lads :kiss:
  7. waz77


    Cant get on Moochers, is it down or is it just me?
  8. a young promising dog with pricked lugs another parks terrier at 10 months old By 'eck he's ugly
  9. waz77

    Road deaths

    a take it your a expert mate Why do you say that?
  10. waz77

    Road deaths

    Yes its last years young being turfed out to make way for this years young,they are venturing into new territory and crossing roads they prob have never crossed before.Shame to see them dead on the roads.Take care when exercising your terriers as they may be laid up in earths and drains that are never normally occupied, can catch you unawares with a few dogs off the lead
  11. I have a 10 shot semi auto .22 pistol but i rarely use it as its too tempremental,get a speck of dust in it and it missfires and when your digging you can be sure to get it covered in muck. I normally use .410, main issue is smoke but dont drop the dog back in till its cleared and there should be no problem. With regards to dispatching RTA's im pretty sure you can use any means neccessary to end suffering and the 12g is just reccomendation. I was told i could use .22 for dispatch when stalking.
  12. Has anyone got contact details for Selwyn or could you ask him to PM me if you're in contact with him as i see he's not been on here for a while and i would like to order a pair of those well worn panties that he was selling Thank you please.
  13. Could be the salt on the roads,mine do it when roads been freshly gritted
  14. My red dog wore one for a bit Fell,he was a c**t for his high pitched yelp,a couple of days with the collar sorted it.Dont worry about the B+F,the shock collar emits a warning alarm when the dog barks,then if it barks again within 30secs or so it gets a shock,the dog soon learns that the alarm means trouble,thats how the dummy collars work,they have alarm but no shock.Usually once the habit of barking has been broken there's no need for a collar at all.
  15. I had a bitch 4 days over so i rang vet,they said bring her in next day to have a look,they checked her over and said pups were dead,booked her for ceasarian next day and they found a healthy pup,the only one concieved as she was an old bitch,so she had gone 6 days over in total but any more than 3-4 id give the vet a ring
  16. Yes Courtney thats his major fault...he snores like a f*****g pig
  17. And if The Fox Hunter is so opposed to the FMWTC as a whole what the f**k was he doing at one of their shows???
  18. You'll have to start riding to your hounds...get yer moneys worth out of them 'osses
  19. What the f**k were you doing washing pots??? You've got a wife!!!
  20. Did you line your bitch yet Danny?
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