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Everything posted by blacknight

  1. bull greyhound x presa, she about 4 month old
  2. nice strong head on her mate. how tall does she stand? she only about 22 1/2 mate
  3. thinking of getting a secondhand hw90, could anyone tell me the difference between a mk1 and mk2 thanks
  4. hes a mart looking terrier mate, i would say that it was cairn terrier x with patterdale or jack were did you get him from?
  5. thanks mate, cant take all the praise they had a good mother, she also adopted the bull Russell when it was just minutes old
  6. just under 8 month old obout 22 1/2 tts
  7. thanks mate, do not no of any my self but there should be some one on here who could help you
  8. bull x jack on the left was taken today
  9. ive two terrier pups was keeping them to bring on my self but ive fallen out with the lad which has most of the permission so will not have enough work, the first one is a lakeland x patterdale dog sad to see him go reluctant sale 8 week old £150 no offers, the second a first x bull Russell bitch also 8 weeks old, the third pure greyhound hes about four year old very game dog has worked on the lamp but has not dun much and can be a bit stubborn at times free to good home pembrokeshire area
  10. the sale is on hold as my dad is having second forts about selling so lt looks like it will be staying for now thanks
  11. thanks for the offer mate but no can do
  12. im puting this up for my dad its a webley axsor 22/5.5mm, has a few marks near the filling adapter hole witch the gunsmith dun when changing the seals apart from that its in very good condition, comes with silinser, 3-9x50 optic scopes and 3-9x40 tasco scopes, 3/lts carbon fiber charging cylinder bottle with fill adapter, rang finder worth £100 blus a 1000 pellets. pick up only £475 location pembrokeshire
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