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smudge jaylow

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Everything posted by smudge jaylow

  1. well done bud that terrier looks like it do some work for u well done
  2. looks like a great dig buddy well done
  3. nice dogs buddy they both look in real good shape
  4. well done bud looks like a good 1
  5. hi lads i just wonderin how do u make yer pictures smaller to go this site because a have a few nice pictures but cant upload them because der to big thanks smudge .......
  6. bring her out wit another dog that does it and give the other dog a rub [bANNED TEXT] it brings it back hopefully yours will do it den bud
  7. well done bud good pic just missed 1 today it bolted on myself and mighty celt
  8. sorry to hear about the dog hopefully u wll get it back i will keep an eye out up here in the northside somebody must know something hopefully some body will catch in ther yard lock them up in a kennel and leave them die a slow and painful death ..................
  9. i will keep an eye out for her down here and see if der any 1 tryin to shift 1 wit the same markins buddy sorry to hear of another dog gettin robbed
  10. was out a couple of nights with the dog pal and he is doing well on the bunnys i must say didnt get him on another red yet was hopeing to get out last nite but never made it. BITCH STILL MISSING didnt u go out last nite bud
  11. lovely pups bud lookin very strong at 10weeks old
  12. good 1 macca kid and its true lads i only have young dogs but do throw in a call or 2 [bANNED TEXT] lampin wit mighty celt and the lads
  13. i was just like him when i was youger i boxed for years and boxed at international level.In boxin its a 110% everyday thats all u think about so i wouldnt put any presser on him about gettin out huntin while he trainin maybe try to get him out when the season is over he might be in better mind for it den
  14. hope it gets better soon all wire is a c**t it always causes proplem someway or another
  15. thanks for all the posts must check them out thanks again
  16. I was out for a walk 2day wit my buddy and his dogs.He has a few terriers so they were huntin cover while my lurcher pup was next me the terriers bloted out a bunny it was the frist time my pup seen a rabbit and he chased it up the track i was delighted to see my pup has interested at just over 4 months old
  17. thats something i do 2 and works but sometimes it dont work for some reason ha must look out for that jonny stewart pc3 thanks bud
  18. macky is the man,been out with the crew a few times does he come wit free post ha
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