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About bobmeister

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 25/01/1977

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  • Gender
  • Location
    oakham rutland
  1. its the 400s carbine version by the way
  2. got a cometa fenix for way under budget. in 22 full power and in good nick. bob
  3. have a cometa fenix up for sale. full power but nice and light, in .22.
  4. the above for sale. good gun , barrel has been carbined and a cocking aid added. shoots spot on , couple of minor minor marks on the stock but otherwise all ok. £220 posted atb bob
  5. Hi i have a hw80 that i am just not getting used to.Its a decent enough gun but i just find it uncomfortable and awkward. i overall good (but not mint) i am looking to go back to underlever . so would be looking for 77k , 97k or tx200HC .must be carbine and must be 22.will only be used for hunting so condition not overly important as long as not too shabby , cheers bob
  6. as above for sale 22 , gas rammed and in good nick stock is tac 9/10 and action 8.5/10 £185 posted cheers Bob
  7. at least do the other person you were dealing with the courtesy of saying you were no longer interested. i mai contacted you several times. it is your perogative to say no , but it is politeness to tovsay youchave a better offer.
  8. will take and mail pics when i get in from work tonite. could you send me pics of yours. bob.mann@live.co.uk cheers
  9. sure send your mail address and i will send some. did you have a swap in mind ?
  10. hi all i have the above in 177. has a mk2 sock with adjustable butpad. looking for something lighter. would even consider a pcp. rifle is in good condition. atb bob
  11. hi mate . what are you looking for ? and is the gun ok seal wise ? any dinks scratches (not that that would be a problem) . and where are you based ? will pm my e mail address to you because i dont get on here every night. atb bob
  12. Thanks for a great deal mrs mole. love the rifle , always wanted a mk1. One happy hombre atb bob
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