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  1. Hi Everyone, I have a 18 month old Saluki cross who i have recently introduced to lamping which he loves! Trouble is the last two times we have been his dew claws have began to bleed really badly. Am i doing something wrong? Or am i going ot have to stop lamping because it will be reoccurring?
  2. get a golf trolly battery 17amp will do fine pick one up for £15-£20 last around 10hours lamping so no worry of it dying on you. and lamp worth buying your self a lance, striker or blitz depending on field size they range from 60-100 depending on which model you need This is going to sound really thick of me but please bare in mind i am new to this! How do i connect a hand held lamp with what looks like a car cigarette attachment to a golf buggy battery which has two terminals?
  3. Hi there, I have an 18 month old rescue Saluki cross Lurcher who I recently took out lamping just to see what his prey drive was like. I borrowed a friends rechargeable lamp that firstly was quite dim and secondly the battery only lasted about 20 minutes. My dog seemed to know exactly what to do we sited the rabbits got them on the lamp and he was gone. He chased them but missed several times (he still hasn't got one) But my question to you all is what lamp should I get? I will be lamping with him quite a bit but want to keep it as cheap as possible, battery life is my main concern! Any tips w
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