Chin up mate, theres obviously something wrong with her!! you know that you and your mates ( rip ) are held in the highest regard by most of the uk, only a minority who think its ok to be a tit!! Dont think id have kept my cool, well done and good luck with the season
good good mate, there an impresive looking bird, either sex, i was going to get an owl but my mentor put me onto a harris instead and ive never looked back :11:, good look with it mate and keep us updated
hi guys i have for sale my xperia, its only 6 days old, unwanted upgrade, got a screen cover on and comes in a leather case, these phones are £400 in the shops, so grab a bargain, it comes with an 8gb sd card and an 8.1 megapixel camera, £180ono
hi guys i have for sale an old asi rangemaster, its roughly 15 years old, would probably suit a younger air gunner, its a .22, comes in a black shoulder bag, no scope or pellets sorry, open to all offers cheers