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Everything posted by pappabear

  1. Thaks guys , the surviving chicken jumped out of the pan today I have placed some willow perches about 4" off the floor of the aviary and placed food and water on the floor so hopefully I'll get 1 chicken survive
  2. Hi all found 1 canary chick 2 weeks old dead in the pan today out of the 4 that hatched 2 dead in the first week so now just 1 left , yesterday I noticed she and the male seemed too be feeding one more than the other despite them both stretching to be fed . so my question is would she possibly be as bad next year this has been her second try but she only raised 1 out of the first nest and I had to cull that as it's legs were dislocated , so not a good start to my canary breeding
  3. Thanks guys , culled the chick today think it was the kindest thing to do
  4. Thanks guys , is there anything I can do other than culling it , I think you are right fireman as it was totally the wrong way round
  5. Hi all My 1 canary chicks legs seem to go the wrong way picked it up today and one leg was pointing straight up past the wing so I taped the leg to its other leg but now it's legs stick out behind it like a frog , the nest pan has a felt liner but she didn't put a lot else in , I have read dummy eggs give something to climb on but can anyone offer any advice please
  6. All I'm getting on my feeders is potsy jackdaws , surprising what does turn up though , never had parakeets , had 2 partridges at the bottom of the garden in the don't mow let it grow bit . ☺
  7. Found a second dead chick on the floor this morning , when I had a quick glimpse when I removed the first dead one I thought the remaining 2 looked a similar size but the dead one this morning looked to be a third of the size smaller , I don't know whether next time to place them in a breeding cage and try the dummy eggs , it's hard as don't want to stress the parents but is it best to interfere or let nature run its course
  8. Looks stunning , wish I had the skill to make something that good (wish my shed was that tidy as well ) ☺
  9. Lost the smallest one overnight but the other 2 seem to be doing ok, I have seen both mum and dad feeding them and these 2 are about the same size whereas the one I lost was probably half there size .
  10. I won't I promise ☺ , I will probably use that when I have lots of birds but while I just have the 1 pair the ready made stuff might stay fresher for longer plus I have got a large bag to use
  11. Thanks francolin the one I have bought is ready mixed ready to use its called gold patee by orlux, I work mid afternoon to 9 so I have been putting a little in first thing in the morning and replace it before I go to work .
  12. All 3 eggs hatched ☺☺ 2 yesterday and the other when I fed them this morning , very happy will post a pic when they are a bit older as don't want to mess her about too much
  13. Thanks fireman I will keep this away then ☺
  14. Hi all , I went to a garden centre today and they were selling this kitty grass as it was only £1 I thought I would get one for the aviary I have tried Googleing it and it says most cat grass tubs are oats , wheat , Rye etc so my question is would you give it to your birds .
  15. Cheers mate hope your season goes well
  16. That's the plan delboy , just going to feed and water and that's it ☺
  17. My hen seems to of stopped at 3 eggs she has started sitting on the pan most of the day and night , don't think it worry about candelling them as it probably break them will just wait and see and hopefully post pics of any that hatch ☺
  18. Brilliant thank you ☺ 3 eggs today is it normal for them to lay daily I thought it would be every other day ?
  19. Thanks guys , I am currently reading colour type and song canaries by gbr walker and there is a bit in there that says that the nest pan containing chicks should be placed on the floor of the breeding cage when they are 14 days old and a fresh nest pan placed in the same place mine is about 6ft high on the shed wall with no perches close to it , do you think they will be ok when it's time for them to leave , and do most people use breeding cages or let the birds fly around
  20. Cheers francolin, so glad you guys are here to answer my novice questions
  21. It certainly is I did have a sneaky peek when doing food and water but I waited till she was outside feeding and there are now 2 blue eggs , when do you start counting incubation days from ?
  22. Thanks fm, the thing is she is above the door in the corner of the shed but I need to get in to change water and food so will need to go in , will stay away from the pan though , will let you know how it turns out ☺
  23. Checked the nest pans today when the canary was out feeding , the nest she made in the pan in the flight which looks perfect and lined with alpaca fleece was empty checked the pan in the shed with felt liner and a few bits of twine and there is 1 egg had a look when it was getting dark and she is sitting nicely on it , I haven't swapped it with a dummy egg as thought I'd leave alone and see what happens , rather exciting this nesting lark ☺☺
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