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Everything posted by pappabear

  1. thanks for all the replies guys , reassuring to know others have experienced the same
  2. hi all bought my son a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 saluki he is 17 weeks old and generally pretty good apart from biuting the other dogs when running off the lead , today he actually put a small hole in the whippets side . in the house they lay down and sleep together with no fighting at all and get on fine any suggestions on how to stop him doing this please
  3. dont know if you guys have seen this but ouch
  4. i thought about that but i thought ebay banned the sale of knives in the uk ?
  5. hi catcher 1 it does look the same although the sheath i have with my one is different , thanks for the link
  6. i know the plan when i bought it was to use it to handle one of midnights blanks but i dont think i will get around to doing it
  7. would you be interested in it carraghs gem
  8. hi all just wondering if it is ok to give the ferrets some goats milk as a treat , and would you give it warmed or straight from the fridge , cheers
  9. looking good , definately going to have a go at one
  10. i have wormed hens before with panacur dog worming liquid that the vet prescribed for the hens at 1ml per adult bird , i now use the marriages layers pellets with flubenvet added so much easier
  11. hi matt , knives arrived today , just what i wanted thanks for all your help cant wait to see what comes next atb simon
  12. have you tried the glue traps , they worked in my shed
  13. i have seen the pics you posted paulus hopefully my collection will soon be the same as yours ( just dont tell the wife )
  14. cant wait to get them ,over the moon and saving for the next ones , matt is a star and true gent very helpful if anyone is after a quality knife just pm matt cant recommend him enough
  15. my wifes shihtzu had the same looking eggs inbetween her toes and we weere told that they were harvest mites , rubbed some spot on onto them and all sorted
  16. i never did anything that hurt or scared ours , they learnt to enjoy being held and have turned out to be fine workers the malt paste worked for us dont give up yet atb with her
  17. when mine and my sons hobs were biting as youngsters last year we were advised to try putting malt paste ( which is a ferret vitamin paste cost i think about £4 ) on the back of our free hand and let the ferret lick it off whilst holding them . i bought some from ebay and we used it for around 5 weeks handling as much as we could and they have been brilliant since . we were also told to kill the ferrets and get new ones but i am so glad i didn't
  18. thanks gnipper the one i have it just seems the blades not long enough but i will give it another go
  19. hi midnight no need to apologise and you certainly have a skill i could only dream of . i have been and got an opinel no6 carbon knife today and it was fine for opening the stomach but i would like to have a knife that i can use to take the legs and head off and just use 1 knife to do the lot. what sort of price would i be looking at midnight for a knife that would do the lot as the wife isnt keen on me using the carving knife
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