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Everything posted by bigjon

  1. have you still got the dog and were you at
  2. stig ya better say good bye ta that 40 quid big buck will walk all over it
  3. what score do u think it is going to finsh
  4. i bought1/2 russel 1/2 sealyham 4 years ago best terrier aav had paid for him. wouldn,t buy anuva at that price tho 850 2 much
  5. i have a homemade fox trap for sale 50 pound
  6. what is the best bait for a fox trap?
  7. around chicken pens the best spot to start just keep away from bunny holes while it still small mate
  8. it looks the spit of my patterdale mate
  9. sorry ta hear about your dog a got three dog pups left 100 each
  10. is the dog in the pic a patterdale ?
  11. were u from i got 3 dogs left [bANNED TEXT]
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