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Everything posted by maitland93

  1. just bought a catty the other day good fun takes some time to get good at it tho
  2. my pup 24 weeks old now pic took at 20 weeks old
  3. if its there take the oppatunity thats what its about. a think some people on he like to winge constantly. just sayin
  4. if its the first rabbit its had in its mouth then a wouldnt be worried my pup done the same but he cought one the other day and retrived it to me straiht through the bushes live to hand and from him retriving dummys a thought he would be realy hard mouthed
  5. have you been telling the local lads that you will match them and that your beddy cross ran the fens coz a few lads have been coming to me and telling me the gossip. am telling them that they must be hearing things because you seem like a decent lad but there are a few more lads askin me the same thing ?
  6. Then you havnt seen a good one run. just my opinion.
  7. Been going out with charlie chaser and his bull cross and to say am not a big fan of bull xs am starting to like them. Even tho he is just getting his dog fit it is running its game well and catching a. Fair share of quarry to carny wait to get back out and waych it rin the big stuff
  8. hope it has many working days left for you mate atb
  9. like that black and tan what way is it bred and what does it stand at ?
  10. cheers lads just was wondering about the size me pup will get as a never seen the dam and sire to my pup as me father picked it up for me and he says the dam was 24 tts and sire was 25 but he is pretty clueless haha
  11. if a dog at 23 1/2 weeks old stands at just short of 20 tts with out knowing the size of the dam and sire what size do you think the dog will make
  12. just mine has slowed down and only grownt 2 inches in the last month and just seemed like his face was maturing if you know what a mean
  13. what is the avarge age or round about what age do lurcher pups have growth spurts and how many do they have. and before all the lads slate this post a ask as this is where people descuse lurchers and ask and answer questions
  14. real nice looking bitch that mate
  15. another one of my pup down the dene today with my mates bull cross
  16. ask hammer dan off here he has a beddy x no nuts. is it keen? yep doesnt affect them a dont think
  17. all the bull crosses a know of are soft as shit amd wont pick a fight even tho they seem very agressive on the game they run
  18. would like some lads to get there pups up what are gunna miss this season due to there age so this season is for traing
  19. wanting a good pocket catapulfor mooching about
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