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Everything posted by No1FerretKeeper

  1. i wasnt gonna sell them until i was entilely sure they were good and ready to go any way but thanks for that
  2. My polecat ferret escaped from her cub by pulling away the wire she was only gone for a night and a half quite a while ago now, then we found her in the wood at midnight the next night, because we heard the dogs barking at something. when we gt her back she was looking pretty rough to say the least but then she started to get progresively better then about 41 days later i heard lots of little squeaks when i went to check her, and supprisingly she had given birth to some kits, luckily because it is my first year of having ferrets he only had 4 kits (3 hods and 2 jills) so not too much to look a
  3. what kind/colour kits would you expect from a polecat that mated with a wild eu polecat ferret , Just wondering because i know someone who has had one of his jills become pregnant from a wild polecat. I dont definately that it was a polecat it mated with all i know is it was a wild ferrret.
  4. hi, just had some kits born this morning, all looks well and the mother is looking after them well (its her first time, and mine!). Just wondering how many weeks is it before they are ready to leave the mother and be sold. also any tips for a first timer.
  5. i know i have to admit but couldn't think of anthying else to call my account at the time
  6. i have heard that if you dont have a hob ferret with a jill ferret the jill will eventually die, can somebody tell me if this is true or not. atb
  7. hey guys could do with a jill kit anyone got any for sale atb
  8. OMFG can we all please calm down, we all have different views and can we please get back to the actual subject of this thread.
  9. Thanks guys that's been a great help to me
  10. thanks i'll probably risk it, i'm sure nothing will go wrong
  11. just wanted your guys opinion on this i am thinking of ferreting a warren that just so happens to be right under a tree and wanted to know if its worth it. will my ferret get stuck under the tree with a rabbit and i wonn't be able to dig it out because i can't get past the tree or a root or something? or will this not be a problem? atb
  12. i think all of you will agree burny is an arrogant stuck up little twat and i think he should start showing a bit of respect and maybe he might make some friends
  13. Ye I agree muzzles can be dangerous as well is they come across a mink a or something they cannot defend themselves. :?
  14. I know the rough outline of how to use one but I not fully sure so can someone help me out! Atb
  15. not that interesting but i ferreted a phone mast and a satellite dish base
  16. i got a great one off ebay came with 20 hemp purse nets all for 30 quid! The box is great as well
  17. mine do the odd crap in the tray the rest either goes around ir or smeared down the side
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