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Posts posted by cammy12





    Hahaha That got some reaction,,


    Me and the missus have discussed it though. Whilst I am not totally against the idea of an independant Scotland I couldn`t stomach it with the likes of Salmond and his whores at the helm,, I really would be off I think,, we fancy Berwickshire, so not too far South ! hahahaha


    Apart from that,, I`m British,, always will be. I have NO issue with Englishmen,,and I hate that SNP xenophobia,, Tartan Twee Wankers, the lot of em.


    Aye Johnny.. Wales would be nice,, but if I made that big a jump I would just hit Cornwall and get some fukin heat in ma bones :laugh:

    rake i thought you would of seen the bigger picture here were no voting for wee fat eck were voting for are own self determination and i for one beleive scots should run all of its own affairs, everything from the good to the bad. wee eck can get his sel tae f**k once independace is here but he is the only offering reel change and for f**k sake change is what is needed. scotland did not vote for the government that rules all the big decisions so why not have the power to do so?

    anyway politics over you going tae the dug show on sun?

    think you are rarther deluded if you think scotland will gain any power by opting out of the union i would think it would be far weaker. The problem is a little thing called the EU the power hungry monster that is growing stronger every year , the way forward for this little nation the uk is ridd its self of the shakles that is destroying it the divides beetween the home nations are being orchestrated the oldest trick in the book I have never had a problem with any PM being from any part of the uk and we have had them , Once the divide us its will be the nail in the coffin that seals the fate of. The uk. You think its bad now. !!!!!!!
    i dont see it as divide i would have preferred to stay in a union but have 99% of scotlands decision making in hollyrood as that offer is not on the table all the way wee go :thumbs:
    you dont see it as divided oh you would see how divide it would be , re entry of the eu. The pound , the forming a new currency on the markets The list is endless And that fat little greasy twat knows it .


    seems to me your implying were incapable am not saying it would be a walk in the park and its all gonna be plain sailing but we are a country and i believe we should be in control of are own affairs just like england, wales and ni should be of there own affairs



    Hahaha That got some reaction,,


    Me and the missus have discussed it though. Whilst I am not totally against the idea of an independant Scotland I couldn`t stomach it with the likes of Salmond and his whores at the helm,, I really would be off I think,, we fancy Berwickshire, so not too far South ! hahahaha


    Apart from that,, I`m British,, always will be. I have NO issue with Englishmen,,and I hate that SNP xenophobia,, Tartan Twee Wankers, the lot of em.


    Aye Johnny.. Wales would be nice,, but if I made that big a jump I would just hit Cornwall and get some fukin heat in ma bones :laugh:

    rake i thought you would of seen the bigger picture here were no voting for wee fat eck were voting for are own self determination and i for one beleive scots should run all of its own affairs, everything from the good to the bad. wee eck can get his sel tae f**k once independace is here but he is the only offering reel change and for f**k sake change is what is needed. scotland did not vote for the government that rules all the big decisions so why not have the power to do so?

    anyway politics over you going tae the dug show on sun?

    think you are rarther deluded if you think scotland will gain any power by opting out of the union i would think it would be far weaker. The problem is a little thing called the EU the power hungry monster that is growing stronger every year , the way forward for this little nation the uk is ridd its self of the shakles that is destroying it the divides beetween the home nations are being orchestrated the oldest trick in the book I have never had a problem with any PM being from any part of the uk and we have had them , Once the divide us its will be the nail in the coffin that seals the fate of. The uk. You think its bad now. !!!!!!!

    i dont see it as divide i would have preferred to stay in a union but have 99% of scotlands decision making in hollyrood as that offer is not on the table all the way wee go :thumbs:

  3. Hahaha That got some reaction,,


    Me and the missus have discussed it though. Whilst I am not totally against the idea of an independant Scotland I couldn`t stomach it with the likes of Salmond and his whores at the helm,, I really would be off I think,, we fancy Berwickshire, so not too far South ! hahahaha


    Apart from that,, I`m British,, always will be. I have NO issue with Englishmen,,and I hate that SNP xenophobia,, Tartan Twee Wankers, the lot of em.


    Aye Johnny.. Wales would be nice,, but if I made that big a jump I would just hit Cornwall and get some fukin heat in ma bones :laugh:

    rake i thought you would of seen the bigger picture here were no voting for wee fat eck were voting for are own self determination and i for one beleive scots should run all of its own affairs, everything from the good to the bad. wee eck can get his sel tae f**k once independace is here but he is the only offering reel change and for f**k sake change is what is needed. scotland did not vote for the government that rules all the big decisions so why not have the power to do so?

    anyway politics over you going tae the dug show on sun?

  4. as long as it smokes it doesnt have to look the part, started rolling for my dad while he was driving to jobs and ended up pretty good now i make a rolly with out thinking been at 17 year now gonna stop soon. lol

  5. who would be the best person to ask about straws?my vets are a waste of time-cheers turkish ;)

    fancy sheep farmers and bull breeders there always sending straws all over world its just the same for dog. look at a company called innovis on the internet am shure they have a bit in wales.

  6. its a shame the greys wiped them out and its a shame theres that many protected bop that love eating red squirrel and its a shame that the balance of the countryside is so f****d up it wont be long before vermin takes over and its a shame a lentil muncher posts on a hunting forum

    • Like 6
  7. solar panels were a gimmick for the government to make it look like they were doing the green bit, depending on your consumption they can make a dent in your bills depending on where you are in the country, i think for a house to be self suficiant your roof space is no big enough going on a standard 3 bed house ground mounts can be done, ive fitted loads but never bothered finding out about the jargon will speek to my business partner and update you how many panels and what systems.

    • Like 1

    No disrespect to you taz and Lilly but I think it's down to the owner I know any dog I took on I would break them in no time a tall and like someone said yesterday you can see what the dog is thinking before it does it and I could have any breed and it would be broken as I said down to the owner and even if it was a rescue and older I wouldn't take it anywhere with sheep till it had that bond with me and listen instantly then when I knew I had that connection then I know I would break them within a hour atb

    I can take any amount of respect:).


    I can't fault the way you train your dogs.

    I've made it clear on the forum that I'm a beginner with lurchers, although I have some ferreting experience with other peoples Bedddy and Saluki X's - my dog is miles behind even a one year-old Saluki X.

    For my training info I have to make do with what I read on forums, what I read in books, and what I pick up from otjhers (one of my mates is an ex-gamekeeper). I have the dog to the point where he comes in to the whistle straight away, and right in, like a second skin. He leaves ducks alone (don't want him chasing feather as there are ducks in the park), and he's probably ok with sheep now, but I can't chance it - too many young lambs around. So I'm not confident enough to say he's stock-trained.


    On the last thread I got savaged a bit - fine - I have broad shoulders.

    The only point I was making there was that each dog takes as long as it takes. I wasn't calling into question anyone's ability to stock-train their dogs.

    I had a collie X some years back (not a lurcher) who needed no stock-training at all, and no-one had trained him before me - he just knew not to chase sheep or horses,


    So it does seem to me that it depends to some extent on the dog.


    To the person on this thread who maintains that the dog should be trained as a pup - YES, BUT I DIDN'T GET HIM UNTIL HE WAS 6 MONTHS OLD. hE WAS A RESCUE AND I HAD TO WAIT UNTIL AN ENTIRE CAME UP.

    this to me is an excuse the dog is still a pup at 6 months if you want to walk land that has stock on its your responsibility to get it sorted, you need to get stock infront of your dog as much as possible stop making excuses like theres lambs or he is not mature yet.

    • Like 1
  9. i see one now and again on the hills above Belfast, they were reintroduce here a few years ago, great to see.

    thats maybe true but this constant release of predators and protection is going to put pressure on a already dwindling supply of prey species how long before we see red kites in our cities like buzzards are now. the only eat carrion argument doesnt wash with me.

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