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Everything posted by cammy12

  1. i take ma hat off to you, you defo should be proud of yer sel
  2. here we go again!!! normally training before intro to game helps
  3. chewing the fat was class funny as f**k so it was
  4. il be there for sure flying solo the misses is working hope the weather holds out
  5. rake i thought you would of seen the bigger picture here were no voting for wee fat eck were voting for are own self determination and i for one beleive scots should run all of its own affairs, everything from the good to the bad. wee eck can get his sel tae f**k once independace is here but he is the only offering reel change and for f**k sake change is what is needed. scotland did not vote for the government that rules all the big decisions so why not have the power to do so? anyway politics over you going tae the dug show on sun? think you are rarther deluded if you think scotland will gai
  6. rake i thought you would of seen the bigger picture here were no voting for wee fat eck were voting for are own self determination and i for one beleive scots should run all of its own affairs, everything from the good to the bad. wee eck can get his sel tae f**k once independace is here but he is the only offering reel change and for f**k sake change is what is needed. scotland did not vote for the government that rules all the big decisions so why not have the power to do so? anyway politics over you going tae the dug show on sun? think you are rarther deluded if you think scotland will gai
  7. rake i thought you would of seen the bigger picture here were no voting for wee fat eck were voting for are own self determination and i for one beleive scots should run all of its own affairs, everything from the good to the bad. wee eck can get his sel tae f**k once independace is here but he is the only offering reel change and for f**k sake change is what is needed. scotland did not vote for the government that rules all the big decisions so why not have the power to do so? anyway politics over you going tae the dug show on sun?
  8. whats the alternative? another 300 years of investment in the south east yeehaaa am defo in the no camp now !
  9. cammy12


    as long as it smokes it doesnt have to look the part, started rolling for my dad while he was driving to jobs and ended up pretty good now i make a rolly with out thinking been at 17 year now gonna stop soon. lol
  10. fancy sheep farmers and bull breeders there always sending straws all over world its just the same for dog. look at a company called innovis on the internet am shure they have a bit in wales.
  11. its a shame the greys wiped them out and its a shame theres that many protected bop that love eating red squirrel and its a shame that the balance of the countryside is so f****d up it wont be long before vermin takes over and its a shame a lentil muncher posts on a hunting forum
  12. 2 good shows will attend both if am not grafting
  13. got the misses a brinsea 20 auto its the dogs nuts she has hatch loads with it, you get a little one that does 6 eggs very good for what your after try ebay
  14. they love slugs so they do but dont leave them unattended in veggie patch as your lettice and soft fruits will get hammered
  15. hahaha sounds like an asian scam, heard they run alot of scams with phones and gumtree in edinburgh area
  16. pellet gun if suitable to do so or more radical chainsaw!!
  17. solar panels were a gimmick for the government to make it look like they were doing the green bit, depending on your consumption they can make a dent in your bills depending on where you are in the country, i think for a house to be self suficiant your roof space is no big enough going on a standard 3 bed house ground mounts can be done, ive fitted loads but never bothered finding out about the jargon will speek to my business partner and update you how many panels and what systems.
  18. cammy12

    Kennel Floor

    polished finish will stop any penetration go on youtube and see how you do it, its no the easiest its all aboote timing and geting the top layer right
  19. have a squint at the British constitutional group that rodger hayes fella just read a few things and it has me intrigued to read more
  20. small feild of rams let him off the lead and make sure he totally ignores them as soon as he looks correct him simples. rams are usually together in smallish paddocks at this time of year which is excellent for training
  21. I can take any amount of respect:). I can't fault the way you train your dogs. I've made it clear on the forum that I'm a beginner with lurchers, although I have some ferreting experience with other peoples Bedddy and Saluki X's - my dog is miles behind even a one year-old Saluki X. For my training info I have to make do with what I read on forums, what I read in books, and what I pick up from otjhers (one of my mates is an ex-gamekeeper). I have the dog to the point where he comes in to the whistle straight away, and right in, like a second skin. He leaves ducks alone (don't want him ch
  22. nice pics like the look of your dogs, it does not matter what is in the dog to stock train as already said if you intend to go on ground with stock then its as essential as heel sit and stay and for f**k sake a pup should be doing that no probs, 2 and half year to mature maybe to train to stock me thinks should be up to scratch by 12months imo
  23. used to fly a soltire in ma garden until storms took it, wife wants flag pole down now
  24. thats maybe true but this constant release of predators and protection is going to put pressure on a already dwindling supply of prey species how long before we see red kites in our cities like buzzards are now. the only eat carrion argument doesnt wash with me.
  25. the carrion crow or hooded crow in the north west are opportunistic predators the same as fox, cat, badger, buzzard they will all take liberty's when the opportunity arises
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