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Everything posted by cammy12

  1. that would be sound rake i dinny stay too far fi bigger will gee you a shout thinking end of week or start of next
  2. a wee partridge shoot outside penicuick its not a bad wee shoot, i think total bag was 67
  3. they looked the part but pat lickers they were lol
  4. had a flight of ducks fi billy it was just a shame am a shit shot and only bagged a couple cos there was nae shortage of game cheers billy gee you a shout shortly for another go atb cammy
  5. had my springer out for its 2nd days beating yesterday and is coming on great for a year old, anyway she picked 3 partridge after the picker ups had been over the ground with there labs, one of the retreives she swam up the side of a burn to pick the bird from a small pool well chuffed to say the least, next retreive was a runner which lifted and crossed a river whitch she followed and picked it 30 feet on the other side, she instantly turned and jumped straight in to the river and swam back across to make me a very happy lad, i only wish i had a camera for the look on the picker ups faces f**
  6. mines work below and above, theres good ones all over you just wont see them advertised or boasted about on here. ive had them for over 10 years woulnae own a differant breed of terrier
  7. il pop down to this youve got a class for all ma dugs, maybe one day il qualify for the championship haha il be up for a race tae cheers cammy
  8. ma lurcher and terriers always join in when am having a pick, the lurcher picks rasps like a pro haha
  9. fooking rip off no other way to describe it , working dogs should not be money makers end of try giving them to working homes. ps i do not stay in a caravan or steel anything
  10. that would defo happen, i would wait until your in the postion to train and exercise properly and train wife and child how to handle the dog the way you want not how they see fit atb cammy
  11. already notices in local shops just waiting to see if out happens
  12. Pity it wasn't his car keys, it would've been going in the canal. we were thinking of trying a few doors of some of the usal low life just to rule them out
  13. house keys with a spark plug keyring and torch keyring
  14. 5 and half footish skinny b*****d and can run some
  15. black cross bred terrier was stolen around 1.30/2 am, the theif was interupted and chased then terrier was let go, the little f****r has lost his keys in the chase any body here or know anything gees pm cheers, the b*****d went past 2 kennelled lurchers to get to the terrier so thinking this is not by chance.
  16. dont agree with it but its in paki land so dont reely care, you can only change your ways by being educated in new methods and by the look of it there is no education
  17. walk away end of, you wouldnae bye a telly that didny work properly
  18. I always set the tunnels at the bottom of trees on the shoot too mate, and never fail to catch..... Thanks for your replies. That sounds like a good method but I am cautious about using traps on the ground in this case. I know they need to be set in tunnels but the tree in question is in area where my mother's animals have access. Including in-to-everything-pain-in the-bum long necked geese and a large in-to-everything-pain-in the-bum digging dog. There is also another tree where squrriels are causing a problem, but that is in a boundary hedge of a cattle grazed field. I am hoping if I
  19. good job so what if you got them mixed up, just keep killing those sharp toothed ruthless killers that goes for stoats and mink the best way to learn is geting out and doing a bit
  20. split maize works wonders and am a fan of the tunnel at bottom tree or bird table
  21. i could manage that for you, gees a shout if you still need sombody, got everything you need and a few things you dont
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