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Everything posted by cammy12

  1. a good old bottle of buckfast to line the stomach before night out mmm canny beat it
  2. theres f****n loads in the borders am worried and a dinny have kids
  3. all the guests reading this wonder if any have a sore face right now
  4. braw site them swimming back with a bird in there mouth good luck with the rest of season
  5. i feed barf diet to all ma dugs dont think they would eat biscuits now, cammy
  6. how explain? Read back a page or two on what will happen when you become of the European merry go round i.e. less independence i have read and that just sounds like your typical pish, we have to take the plunge to find out whats on the other side nothing ventured nothing gaind.
  7. yes il have some independance it surly canny be worse than it is now and as for working dogs i think we get a good deal, we can still use hounds on live scent and terriers to ground which is more than below border, the other thing being how many millionairse are in westminster at least scottish parliment is a little more intoutch with the working man
  8. looks a cracker of a day for it, good to she the young uns taking an interest atb cammy
  9. hey coyotehunter, good post thanks for sharing with us. i was thinking about going to canada for a holiday and would like to take part in some country pursuits whats the best areas to visit? not made any arrangments yet but will be in near future, i was was hoping for some inside info cheers cammy
  10. going to a splash in a grass feild the night with its moving with game canny wait good luck with that one pal
  11. my springer is coming on excellent just a year old in aug and we have done 4 days beating now and am happy with the way she is coming on, a few good retreives but its the no cover to thick attitude in the beating line that makes me happy, ducks tonight so we will see how she does in the dark atb cammy
  12. ma old border ate 4 double choc muffins with extra choclate on top and he wis okay but his eyes went funny and he was a lazy b*****d for few days and his arse was like a choclate fountain for a day or 2 lol
  13. that stuffs over rated and over priced, black pud should be spicey no sweet you should try hornigs cheap and very tasty with a runny egg and brown sauce
  14. well thats good to here the theiving b*****ds deserved it
  15. aye am gonna head down will get a craic wi you then.
  16. cammy12


    when i met ma misses she had 2 cats and a bearded dragon, the deal was she could keep the dragon if she got rid o the cats as ma dogs dont like cats anyway 13 year later the dragon was still going and only passed away this year, if anybody is thinking of geting a dragon check out how they put them to sleep if there no doing so good, 18v dewalt cordless and drill there brains out couldny beleive it when we rang the vets
  17. am going out tonight gonna put ma jacket over my head and hover over the feilds cos there a bit wet lol
  18. It's even better when its not a gundog, my old border (and his dad) showed a few labs etc up on the shoots. He was also fond of throttling black labs in the beaters trailer too Cant see the funny side of that actually, sounds like a f*****g nuisance. I'd be interested in seeing it grab one of mine.............WHALLOP!!... you should lighten up a little then black labs cause more scurmishes at shoots than most other breeds
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