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Everything posted by cammy12

  1. lidls is quality wee shop, no sneeky pricing and cheep enough yous should try there game pate comes in 6 pack all the usal suspects in it and there cherry shnapps goes down lovley on a shoot day
  2. he was also on a documentry about bird of prey poisoning the bbc did, i canny mind but am sure one of his beat keepers was caught some years ago and he was giving an opinion about it.
  3. thats a shame, hope the daughters feeling guilty thats a good few stone of dog the lady was looking after shouldny of happened
  4. cammy12

    Fookin rain

    that weather map looks okay to me no rained here since fri night but feilds are water logged and rutted the lamping is hard work for me and dog, ma bitch has taken a good few tumbles and knocks trying negotiate the this pishy terrain.
  5. your not just a proud mummy your a yummy mummy too well done to your lad all the best with his future
  6. cammy12


    am having bother geting rating this year too, dinny ken whats going on there just doesnt seem to be the numbers this year if i get anything il gee you a showt seen as you work borders
  7. your gonna have a fair few problems even if you keep it as a pet, get a gps collar if he is free roaming it wont be long before he is picking scent and away he goes and if he has alot of drive he could go for miles, good luck you will need it
  8. the kids round my mums way had a decent pile last year and on bonny night the fire brigade put it out , it was on a peice of waste land and the boys werny bothering anybody just geting rid of peoples unwanted burnables, it used to be tradition in the village you put any burnables out for us to collect we used to have a mountain in the local park every year
  9. my borders hunt gambirds silently but if fox or roe are around you will soon know when the yaping/screaming starts, dont know about a cross but surly if they were to be any good there would be a few around
  10. going for a look out tonight, i remember a night last year that you could not look up as the snow was hiting you in the eyes that hard, ma bitch was even trying her best to use me for shelter as we crossed feilds managed 2 and then f****d off home asking my self is this what u call fun!!
  11. reely sorry to hear about the fire but you have to remember your a paying customer to the insurance company and you tell them what is required for you not the other way round, if the fire is not your fault your neighbours insurance company should pick up the tab, try geting legal advise dogs are somtimes classed as extended family and they would have to find you suitable accomadation good luck
  12. shot 1 last sat, was thinking it was early for them they normally come to our shoot about christmas dont think we have residents on our place
  13. your dogs probly better fed than the tree hugger that posted the comment, somtimes i like to read the arguments its funny somtimes and at times its just plain shit nothing else. ive got to go now ive got 2 lurchers and a terrier waitng patiently to be drowned f*****g idiot
  14. the feeding options for ducks this year is crazy with flooded stubles and even some feilds with grain still standing, once all these other options are finished and the weather turns a bit colder your pond will come back, if you have permission some of these flooded splashes can produce some good sport ive shot a few this year and has been mixed results good luck with your pond bud cammy
  15. that would be my worry not picking a shot hare after going in hard with the collar, let me ken how you get on cammy
  16. lurchers differant all togeather f**k me a good recall and steady with live stock and your about done
  17. you should let the dog wear the collar for 2 weeks a month and slowly build up corrections with it. i would not go out on wed and let the dog on a hare and zap him on full power thats very silly Whys it silly ??? It will learn almost instantly whats the point fecking about for 2 weeks of a month on corrections the problems chasing hares Will work straight away fella few snaps and the dog wont even look at them again from my expeirance and ive used a collar on few differant types and if you build them up with the collar you can use it for other things away from hares , if u bla
  18. you should let the dog wear the collar for 2 weeks a month and slowly build up corrections with it. i would not go out on wed and let the dog on a hare and zap him on full power thats very silly
  19. go for it pal most gamekeepers have previous lifes anyway and landscaping skills will only come in handy around the estate good luck
  20. good luck bud, let us know the result.
  21. i keep borders if i get offered out il gee you a shout? cammy
  22. thats no so good rake glad you got it sorted out, i just about f****d ma business by being an absolute fanny and pranging ma van after geting in a fight outside the pub needless to say i had had a few and thought geting in motor was good idea, what a shcool boy error that was, if it wasny for the actions of some very close and loyal freinds i would have been f****d. since that day nearly 10 years ago ive kept ma nose clean what a wake up call. get intoutch mate for a day at billys
  23. good man rake, had oor first day yesterday was excellent 14 pheasants 3 pigeons and a woodcock, had some good sport ma sel i got the woodcock a couple of pheasants and 2 of the pigeons, no bad at all let plenty birds go as there no just flying quite right yet roll on 2 weeks time. good hunting bud cammy
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