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Everything posted by cammy12

  1. try geting it from daf pet foods they do loads of differant mixes eg oilly fish with trype, trype and beef , chick and beef or any one on there own, if gonna try get a mixed box 20lb for about £15 and gives you there full range and you can work out what they like best. i feed oilly fish once a week instead of cod liver oil or flax seed oil
  2. its always when just exercising or when you are meant to be somwhere like tomorrow morn for example, my little ones know most earths where i exercise doesnt stop them checking thow merry christmass
  3. got to agree the barf diet is the best for dogs, couldnt put weight on my springer or lurcher with dried food, 6 weeks on raw meet and veg i own 2 differant dogs, there drive has improved as with coat, teeth and general condition. as said above there water consumption is minimal and shiting in there pens is reduced if not non exsistant. my lurcher will loose drive if soaked to the skin as she smooth coated i dont think she retains heat very well when wet, never managed to burn my spaniel out yet.
  4. been the wetest year i know of, the farmer put cattle out in may and had to shed them by august as there was no grass just mud, can it get worse next year i beleive it can
  5. the penny black in edinburgh opened at 5am met some interesting charecters in there, if your face didnt fit you didnt get in great place to wait on the buses starting again
  6. mates got a mk1 mexico f*****g mint it is too only comes out on dry summer days, never had the pleasure of owning one, looked at couple few year back but wasny into parting with the amount of money they comand, have a good christmas big lad cammy
  7. crack on lad, you gotta start somwhere and wouldny worry too much whats for you doesny go by you, i got a start as an under keeper at 17 and new a little but not alot the best way to learn is out there on the moor, just because its a beat keeper position doesnt mean you will be at it on your own i presume you will be part of a team with a head keeper if you have an eagerness to learn and get involved counts for more somtimes than sombody that thinks they no f*****g everything. all the best with the interveiw but as already said keep things like that to your self to many jelous b*****ds aboote
  8. Canny believe you just blamed the gun.....ahahaha You`re an utter twat ! lol,, it wis the guns fault ! it wis squint. Bought a Winchester select fi Cluny. well if you wanna throw some lead in the air somtime in the new year gees a showt theres loads of doos at ma bit end of jan/feb
  9. grounds been too hard up here for the big dug but the rest have been geting plenty graft, what gun did ye get? sxs are king they nice and traditional lol
  10. alright rake whats happening? u on land over the christmas? like i just said on another thread 32g 5 for everything me like to go for long or high shots as an old fella told me when asking about what shot for birds his reply was you can throw a nail further than a needle so my theory for higher birds is slightly heavier shot each to there own thow, hows the wee shoot going? ours hasny been to good this year maybe pick up after christmas
  11. cammy12

    dog price's

    it reely boils ma piss the price of some mutts speically those cross bred toy things.
  12. canny beat taking the dogs over the feilds at one with nature wheather you fill the bag or not
  13. chap it in the heed things suffering
  14. same happend to me yesterday with my borders, one minute there retreiving pheasants with soft mouth next she was baying away in an earth at a charlie, bolted and shot not proper workers
  15. the shoot consists of 2 ponds 1 of which doesnt hold water all year surley its no a pond then!!! hope you get your cash back bud
  16. thats a spot of bother for the farmer if sombody else sees that am pretty sure that didnt die of old age.
  17. id be on the phone to them asap, let them know whats happened as for boosters i do my dogs at a year again and thats it never had any probs its just vets making sure they have regular income
  18. try gun dog section, you might get some answers there
  19. i think youl will catch more game when its pissing down and windy but you get a better chase when its dry and windy or light wind just my expeirance anyways
  20. and where are you qualified to comment, differant country differant quary
  21. how would i get a square sauceage roll?
  22. cammy12

    Shock collar

    for what type of dog, each type imo needs a differant approach? used 1 for my lurcher chasing sheep when she was young, using it now for my springer. always said i wouldny use one but when i used it with the lurcher got good results and ma springer was very timid got her at 6 months and she had clearly been hit before so to build her up but not let her get too wild i used the collar and now ive incorperated it into her training sessions, excellent bit of kit used right.
  23. turn the light on have a look, see legal quarry release dog job done
  24. well met up with the team this morn and after a coffee set off to check a few spots, my mate had his 2 terriers i had my 2 and my lurcher, we get to the first place and we had 2 feilds to cross, let the lurcher loose and crossed the first feild and the lurcher jumps the fence and catches her back leg on the barb, tore the skin to about the size of tennis ball lucky its just a skin woond and not muscle damage, so 12 stitches later she is on the coutch. anybody else had shorter mooch than 1 feild? atb cammy
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