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Everything posted by cammy12

  1. whats a stook? i presume full lengths of grain piled up??
  2. keep spraying the leaves with glyphos/roundup the concentrated gear it will soon die back
  3. just stay below the border please are game is are game
  4. I didn't think grouse would feed on wheat..... i bet they would after 3ft of snow for 3months, the grouse and white hairs were on the lower feilds the last time we had snow for while, hunger makes animals do funny things
  5. that would be after pups or a phantom preg
  6. the whole way the bbc protrayed boxing day hunt was a joke, they interveiw a huntsman on his horse so he is talking down to camera and giving impression he is almighty, they interveiw the c**t fi lacs who is sitting behind a desk looking up at camera with the puppy dog eyes giving the impression she is lower in the rankings. why they didnt get them both round a table with a equal protrayal of both.
  7. the only thing i do when there in season is slow there work a little and exercise them just the same.
  8. i know what you mean baw, when its horrizontal rain and gale force winds it does seem a little like a chore but when out watching them or it doing its thing makes the hard work very rewarding.
  9. barf diet, durham animal feeds always been decent meat delivered here
  10. because its ma thing and i stay on a 1600 acre farm that i can hunt/shoot/exercise whatever i want really which makes life a little easier because its on my door step, if i didnt think i was working them enough i would never of bred my terriers never mind hold 1 back. its my way of life i dont drink, na kids and a misses that loves hunting and shooting as much as me so really we have 2 and a half dogs each
  11. aye a day, whats that got to do wi out?
  12. got 5 dogs, 3 borders 1 retired, 1 working and 1 8 month pup, a lurcher and a springer all get worked single handed and as a pack, never even questioned my self about holding a pup back just did because i knew i could work it
  13. thats braw bud, smart looking little bitch all the best 2013
  14. i think linebred or inbred whatever you wanna call it has somthing to with it, okay on the outside but looks can be deceiving imo
  15. what the f**k is the bbc geting involved in hunting in france, try geting rid of the nonces f*****g idiots
  16. cammy12


    now lets see whats left
  17. you watching porn ........! Of course. Ass wide open Christmas special. i always find it a little difficult doing it infront of the dogs lol........... i reckon a few on here let them join in..:-) lol its okay if its your dog!!
  18. i try calling 118118 but it never works will try hand in the future
  19. mines got big meaty bones should keep them quiet for the day oh aye and the misses made them a stocking each lol
  20. aye i wis brought up round there its gonna end up part o the toon soon, they building on ma old hunting ground b*****ds
  21. got pair of harkila gtx 10 and a stealth cam, gonna put ma new boots on and head up the woods to set it up, f*****g quality misses ive got lads but she still had me up 6am and i dont hay kids
  22. Ive drank there .. was 20 year ago mind... its a pitty the prick next door to it bought it on the sly and then flatened it, would prob be down there shortly if it was still there, some good and bad times been had in there
  23. i almost forgot about my old local the bilston inn, always a lurcher and terrier at the fire it was a speical place whare the smoking ban didnt come into force and you could smoke whatever you want, great place with some craic what things went on in there it was a community lol
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