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Everything posted by browny290880

  1. if u ask my opinion all the spaniel does is take the drive out of the hound it makes them want 2 hunt close no good if hunting big forestrys and vast amounts off cover like we have where im from ive seen a few of these crosses in my time and am yet 2 see one as good as a welsh or a beagle.
  2. if u ask me pups dont need running on a tread mill apup needs walking fit plenty of road work 2 tone it up in till its about 10 months old thn start giving him a few runs on the lamp 2 start then gradully increase the amount of runs your dog will soon be fit ? good luck with your pup
  3. come on lads and lasses looking 4 your opinions on what u think r the best hounds to run with a gun pack?
  4. in my experience the dog should be jabbed again in 10 days u should notice the difference in about 2 weeks after that but full recovery can be a drawn out process.. good luck with your dog
  5. in my experience the dog should be jabbed again in 10 days time u should notice a difference in about 2 weeks after that depending what type of mange it is but the time till full recovery can be a drawn out process. good luck with your dogs
  6. anyone no of any litters of bedlington greyhound pups for sale halt cross or three quarter bred bitch pup wanted any replies greatly appreciated
  7. thanks 4 the advice i shall take it on boared and carry on giving the bitch plrnty of work,and regular sheeping i find her worse if u encounter a sheep on its own or a few in cover thats when she seems to be at her worse.
  8. ive got a bullx that was a twat to brake to sheep ,she took ages but we got there in the end , she is fine now ,and is worked regular near sheep i would like to say i trust her 100% i know a few lads that have had problems with there bullxs worrying sheep, these adult dogs were stock broken and all of a sudden turned the thing that all these dogs had in common was lack of work . just try and give your dog plenty of work and make shure she sees sheep regular and knows they are not game. good luck with your bitch
  9. I was just wondering if anyone has had trouble breaking there bull x to sheep ?ive got a three quarter bred bitch how is now 2 years old shes a cracking bitch on fox catching seven in this her first season the problem is at around ten months old she started on the sheep i had properly stock broken her from the age off 4 months and had never had any problems with her before.but from that point on ive had nothing but trouble with her ive tryed everything with this dog,ive had a few dogs in my time but have never encountered a dog with such a prey drive. ive got the bitch walking through sheep no
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