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Everything posted by bongoray

  1. 2 hazel sticks bound together with around 15 turns of string, not tight so that it can slide up and down to give you quick height adjustment. I shoot off mine from a little anglers tripod stool, carrying sticks and stool in one hand as they are so light. Great for stalking and ambushing if you can get into a seated position, otherwise stand or kneel if time or circumstance dictates!
  2. Yes, I also found that they riccochet more than the regular subs, (almost always when exiting head shots...!!)
  3. ps.....I find the newer CCI segmented subs (still 40gr 1050fps) much nicer to load and they seem to kill better too....anyone else tried them???
  4. I find these often very hard to chamber in my cz452.....really difficult to close the bolt, and then if you end up not shooting you quite often won't retract the seated bullet so have to discharge the gun just to eject the now spent case!! However groupings not too bad...I managed 3 simultaneous 3/4" moa groups (actual range 50 yards) last week, but yes, as stated above you quite often get one that has a totally different sound to the others.....more often a louder "crack" than the normal muted sub discharge I find. I had decided to persevere with them as I didn't like Eleys or RWS, but have
  5. Can't you justifiably have a gun for use on paid shooting trips? (ie no permanent peisdion?). Otherwise there are stalking clubs that you can join that will suffice to get a ticket for all normal vermin and deer calibres. Look at something like Minsterley Ranges (stalking club) Shropshire. They'll sort you out membership in a day. Doesn't even matter if they're not that local to you.
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