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Everything posted by woottonsheart

  1. maybe well healed now but for future reference . got to your pharamcy and say its for someone in your house hold with conjunctivitus they give you an optrex antibiotic eye drop its great couple days and its done
  2. donnyc not available right now anone else help me out with some antiobiotics and other bits please?
  3. slatmill View Advert slatmill wanted cash waiting Advertiser woottonsheart Date 25/04/20 Price Category Kennels & Equipment  
  4. I had a black dog years ago said to be from the man .. he was one of the best ive had and i aint had much luck with terriers at all .. they deffo the sort i like strong bully look
  5. Hi all i was told a while back Brian wasnt to well and was t living at his home anymore and all dogs had been givin to lads he knew .. i had a terrier off him 3 year or so ago and was at his home with him having a good old chat .. was wondeing if anyone knows how he is getting on and if anyone as kept his stuff going .. my terrier off him died and he was a lovley little thing from Parson and asbo i think her name was .. yea was just wondering if anyone is still in contact with him
  6. Friend of mine has one forsale to run upto a 45lb dog £300 Birmingham
  7. surely someone has to know him ?
  8. is there anyone who has a contact for kevo off here ive tried messaging etc i cant get through ?
  9. im mking my own but getting parts is a joke
  10. Hi all nit sure im in the right section but would anyone have any sedaline gel for a horse im after a couple tubes ?
  11. Due to surgery i cannot commit to going out digging all the time .. also due to the lack of persmission is another .. i do have certian things in place that hold game and incan get to them but why its around the yard theres a lot of rats passing through .. its an honest enough post and i understand peoples reasons but i dont want a free dog my money is there
  12. Your gear is nice aswell i never see anythin if yours advertised .. seen one worked few year ago was mento be off you terrific looking animal and his graft was unmatched that day out if 4 dogs
  13. been told a bloke has brians terriers and a litter there wants 500 a black dog 600 choc coloured ?
  14. any genuine folk got a patterdale pup strong sort parents doing there jobs ?
  15. Who would be good to buy a strong type patterdale pup off ? Want one for around my yard im not bothered about it making an earth dog just want the strong looking sort TIA
  16. anyone have an upto date contact number for Brian the one i used to get him up untill last year doesnt work anymore ?
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