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Everything posted by Joe67

  1. Good pictures first post ive read of yours,will look out for more.Nice dogs
  2. three jills and one hob,try take them all out with me and give them all the chance to work,not always in at the sametime
  3. try posting on gumtree mate,might help chances of finding the owner
  4. would need a few albinos lol,ferreting in the dark would be a mission.nice dog in picture
  5. nice one,much that set you back?theres a few people out here started up doing tats from home,some shite work!
  6. Uploaded with ImageShack.us get a pic on the tic tat posted mate
  7. always someone needing somthing like this at a fair price.this would be a good buy for anyone looking for a hutch/coop for ferrets £30 ono probaly get for 20-25 if you hagle http://www.gumtree.c...30-ono/95761534
  8. Just heard on sky sports rangers are trying to sign Kanu. Ally mcoist said,'well we're up shit creek without a paddle so a Kanu might keep us afloat for a while longer'!

    1. Lab


      lol....got that one the other day joe...pmsl

  9. easy job to fix yourself,wont cost much either.get a loan of some spring clamps and make sure they are on right when tighening lol
  10. good stuff mate.ive noticed the ferrets aint going through as much food now lol.is the other ferret the one that was on its own at the back?
  11. Joe67

    CB Radio

    There very good .....ive been dx'ing to all over europe with just the mobile set up and no amp......germany, holland, france, belgium, uk, italy. And im in Ireland ...if the prop is there then you can get out further with the Antron 99 set up ...but my landlord wont let me put up the antenna so its a pain in the harris going to sit in the car. Plus normal cb is dead here in ireland ...no one uses it anymore, its all mobile phones and emails :whistling: Aye,am on ma second lincon the now,no long been repaired was a c**t getting outputs for it.Its good where theres alot of skip,but there
  12. rangers are set to sign German striker Yurgaun Bustyakuntz to replace jelavic!!

  13. I saw A huge spider wearing a Turban & carrying an AK-47 yesterday and I completely shit myself. I'm guessing I have Iraqnophobia.

    1. FightTheBan


      Terrible...terrible joke

    2. StevoSmith


      Funny as fek...Mrs nearly fell off her chair ....which was even funnier

  14. lol sounds like a plan. edit: being serious though mate what did you do with yours? he seems more alert now,eating etc np.looked f****d early on.outside theres a double hutch,in the hoose its a small cage.hes wanting to get about so thought the hutch might be better option but wasnt sure if would be a problem.no harm in asking..welcome to the THL plum
  15. ahh the vet did say leave him on own for 24 hours,incase the others started having a go at the blood etc...
  16. the hob was vac'ed early on,i never droped him off or picked up so never got a chance to speak to vet..at the moment the hob is in a small cat cage in the kitchen,would it be ok to put him in the spare hutch outside for the night? will probaly put him in with the others in 24 hours
  17. It contains more fresh water than all the lakes in England and Wales combined gotta love wiki
  18. Probably mate. I'm sure I read somewhere that a current of saltwater runs right through the loch and doesn't mix with actual lake water much.. If it wasn't Loch Ness it was somewhere else! Anyway, would you drink water out of loch ness, have you seen the colour of it? Silly c**ts with shorts buying a f*****g green dinasour for a tenner a piece.....silly Yanks... there you go,scots most valuble resource,NESSY
  19. Probably mate. I'm sure I read somewhere that a current of saltwater runs right through the loch and doesn't mix with actual lake water much.. If it wasn't Loch Ness it was somewhere else! Anyway, would you drink water out of loch ness, have you seen the colour of it? f**k aye,improves the imunesystem lol
  20. explain...? the picture is a joke about all the braveheart coments
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