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Everything posted by CWN-HELA

  1. i use to, you dont have long fishing inn there, and big tides there is a helova run. its good for the big fish.ill be out my self, if the wind stay down..the early morning tides are a pain, they will be ok by wednesday.CWN-HELA
  2. At least it wasnt a blank, plenty of time left in the year.
  3. Cheers lads.. Some times they are there and other days you wont hit nawt. Had another 8 this morning fished up to high water.
  4. cheer mate ill have a look a that. aint for geese, for mr foxy.
  5. This morning started well, sea was flat as it could be and sun rising on the NE, soon it was light enough to put the seine net out for the sand eels, first pull was ok had a good 40-50 not bad eel, as there was 3 fishing to day we done another pull, this time we had well enough 2 be on our way, so back to the pick up and keep the net.( save a bit of weight ). so we set off doing about 26-28 knots after traveling for 10min,and nearly reaching the fishing ground, my brother decided to put a downer on the morning by saying he hadd left his fags in the pick up, i was not happy i told him to do wi
  6. As above where can i get my hand on some.. 3" 53G triple AAA
  7. Well my alarm is set for 3.30am and want to be on water by 4.30am.. Off bass fishing for the first time of the season with the rods, i will catch my own sand eel with the seine net...ill get some vid of the seining and hopfully with some bass, and of course some videos of the lovely view from where ill be fishing. CWN-HELA
  8. Born on 21st march, so there just over 3months.
  9. Go and throw your line inn and you will find out.
  10. I know wat you mean mate, i couldnt help my self from getting a vid.. Only had to tell him once and he was away.... The dogs are altering every time they go in the field, ive had to stop going to a few places because there so keen on hunting rabbits, so that has stoped. So i only take them 2 a wood where there aint no bunnys.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srlXlmFj9Hk THERE IS MOVE VID ON MY PAGE...
  13. You were the lads with the Roly Butler dogs in the black van,sure we'll see you in 2 wks at the next one,W NO,THAT WASNT ME MATE, I NEVA HAD NO DOGS WITH ME..JUST CAME FOR THE DAY OUT.. I WAS THINKING OF GOING TO TELFORD, BUT ILL GIVE IT A MISS, THINK ILL JUST GET THE DOGS OUT. CWN-HELA
  14. WAT YOU LADS THINK OF THIS TYPE OF BOOT. CHEER CW_HELA http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LOWA-HUNTER-GTX-EXTREME-GORETEX-LINED-BOOTS/290504889945?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D8633338019802966807%26pid%3D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D290504889945%26#ht_3939wt_758
  15. Cheers lads. Ive had the mother out a few times now, scince she had the pups, she been running with 5 other hounds and she fair play been working good finding quick and first bitch out when fox been shot, she going to have a good season hopefully. I wont be introducing my pups to the pack entill feb next year, i dont want to rush them to quick.. CWN-HELA
  16. Im in the top pic. ?. I thought it wasnt as good as it has been over the years. My brother had 2 dogs in the lurcher pups in class over 23inch roughe. CWN-HELA
  17. I have 2 honda water pump for sale 3", comes with pipes either end. Both start first time £150 each
  18. wont the end of the net drift before the rest in in the water (the tail end swinging round?) what leadline you use number 2? float every 3-4ft? No 2 lead and corks every 4 ft.. We tie a house brick at the end, oh a stone off the beach, it work well if you have a good beach to drift on not have to jump over rocks and stone beaches, and have a good place to haule you net. [BANNED TEXT] we set nets on boat we only set on last 2 hours of the tide all fish are still alive, and live going in the box on ice.
  19. Thats good price you are getting. We drift on a sandy beach with 100yards and a rope about 15-20 yards, let the tide lift and walk back leaving net there once the rope is out you can pull it in a bit, soon as it gets bit of water under her she will drift.
  20. its good to see a good fox give the hounds a run, he will be there next time for a hunt. CWN-HELA
  21. i know yer, be for the ban lurchers had so much work. and it was great watching the course. it will soon be lifted hopefully and we can do it all over again, with out looking over our shoulder..
  22. We get £2.75 a lb maby £3 a lb depending how meany fish are about. Mackerel fock them they are hard work. We get just as much in a 4 " net than wat you would get with 2" mesh.. There aint much fish about hear [BANNED TEXT] the beaches are open and you can only use 5",, load of bolocks.
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