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Everything posted by hardcorelamper

  1. i have contacted the site officials and your account will be deleted within 48 hours

    tv police

  2. hahahahaha get up theere you no good country likin muva fuka hows that for punctuation

  3. dont comment on my wall mate getin lairy coz u dnt know me and if u did u certantly wouldnt be gettin lairy coz u know what would happen !!! ill bet and of ur scrappers with my dogs and once i win ill do what i intend to do to u and smash ur F**E in k

  4. goin overton tonight to run sum big brown rabbits lol

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Simoman


      The police would be able to spell

    3. WILF


      Thames Valley Police....he is Inspectore Morse-Code

    4. Simoman


      pmsl wilf, occifer dibble of the milky doe division


  5. my saluki grey picks up charlies as if there rabbits

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. hardcorelamper


      jt750 i would use sudacream for my nappy rash but i leant it to ur mum for her vagina warts


    3. hardcorelamper


      my saluki bull grey is on youtube pickin up foxes as if they are rabbits check it out

    4. hardcorelamper
  6. fuk this website u all think u got the best dogs i will bet any of you on any quarry show you how real dogs run hey?

  7. whos sellin a good rabbit and ox bitch in heathrow/surry area???

  8. mate u am really intersted in this dog !! are the parents on foxes?
  9. alright mush wer about you located and how big will it get?
  10. does it have scope and whats the furthest range youve shot a rabbit with it !!!
  11. need help!!! im breeedin my bitch . she is saluki whippet grey x collie whippet grey but she has thrown heavily yo the collie and whippet in her and looks extremely like a colie whippet 1 i want to keep a pup bak frm her and want it to be a all rounder any ideas wht i should brreeeed her with??

  12. bought new dog last night saluki bull greyhound for 5000 took it out last night had 2/2 foxes 2/2 hares and 23 rabbits well worth the money

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gav22
    3. craigyboy


      whats that smell

    4. hardcorelamper


      yh alright boys just coz u got jank dogs dnt meen every 1 else does

  13. keep you bullshit in westminster and were keep ours in the countryside:@

  14. cant wait to do a proper bit of lampin on weekend up north

    1. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      cant falt you there mate we had good hunting up there few weeks back

    2. king lamper

      king lamper

      ya dogs a f*****g camel man you nonse it cudnt catch cold never mind a rabbit

    3. hardcorelamper


      who the f**k are u u sauccy c**t ur dogs are jackas and always will be

  15. saluki greyhound fox dog or not??

  16. has any 1 had the runt of the runt of a litter coz ive got 1 and shes 10 month old and all her siblings are double as big????

    1. leepieman123


      my bro had one and i had the big bro to it,well his turned out alot quiker and keener than my one

    2. baw


      Runts can be the best ones mate, don't worry about it.

    3. hardcorelamper


      ok cheers for the comments . .

  17. went lampin last night and had 34 rabbits with my new collie saluki whippet bitch

  18. where are u located and will u take 100 for it very nice dog mate (Y)
  19. mate is it a 3/4 grey 1/4 bull coz it loks like its got a lot of bull in it and how much???
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