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Everything posted by FERRETINGMAN

  1. very nice looking dog there [bANNED TEXT]
  2. U shud try andy kelly of her he s chep and very good nets
  3. dos enay 1 no of enay game shoots in west yorkshire that dont cost 2 much thanks mick
  4. good pick there [bANNED TEXT] keep up the good work
  5. a bottle port 4 the farmer wine 4 is wife keeps them very very happy and thay are allways gratefull 4 it
  6. i get all my nets from them never had a problem with them as chrismdd say brambels not a problemchers mick
  7. this was my first day of the seeson theres 20 in the pick only had a 2 hours out that day
  8. thats good 4 a cupel of hours out mate
  9. good bag there mate keep up the good work
  10. sum nice pick there i like the beddy
  11. thats a good night mate keep the good work up mate
  12. what bread u haveter and haw much u wont to pay 4 1 i tryd to pm u but it wont let me
  13. u can phone and ask this giy dave arthurs 07951286630
  14. just a qiuck q haw wood u feed a chicken carcos to ur dogs
  15. it was a good dayin good compani fort we would of got more but there is allways next time and had a good time learning haw to use the long nets thanks jim
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