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Everything posted by FERRETINGMAN

  1. Can anyone recommend any recipes for partridge ... tried and tasted
  2. i use abit of old belt and rope dos me fine
  3. just got mine back its like new top bloke chers pipa
  4. Only wish u was closer [BANNED TEXT]
  5. it was from fishing-nets-and hand-made-tools so think it will be going back to him
  6. i got it of ebay it sed quickset when it come the poles are not the fiberclass ones i fort if i cud get sum help on haw to put the pols on i will keepit but it just depends on the cost to do that if 2 much i will send it back and get my mony back
  7. iv just got a quick set long well thats what it sed when i orderd it is there enay 1 on her thats makes them or who nows haw to put the poles on to the net that would be a big help thanks mick
  8. iv just got a quick set long well thats what it sed when i orderd it is there enay 1 on her thats makes them or who nows haw to put the poles on to the net that would be a big help thanks mick
  9. Y did u lend it out thats 1 thing i would never do not even to my [BANNED TEXT]
  10. this is the fisrt time that i am going were going 4 the weekend looking forwad to it
  11. is enay 1 going to the yorkshire game fair this year
  12. iv had a black 1 on my perrmisson
  13. i have had that be 4 with rats and heghogs
  14. im the same farmer wontin me to go and get a few its going to be hard work
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