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About popnoodle

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Astanley I apologise for going on, it's been one of those days
  2. Borderscot I didn't say HOW experienced After all I once bungee jumped in bristol so technically I'm experienced at it compared to my nan lol
  3. Nik b I havnt heard that one before, what were the coats like on the dam and sire of your lab? I'm thinking maybe he inherited it or something? :s
  4. Astanley as I'd said in my first reply I was wondering if there was a different thought process for different types of working dogs, but maybe what you see as a messer is someone who's worried of doing the wrong thing which could ruin years of effort and would rather take 2 minutes to ask on a forum filled with experienced hunters to try work out which action is best before they make the decision. Anyways thanks for your input and good luck to you and your countryside endeavours. I agree with jonnygray, the sofa is no place for a dirty smelly child
  5. Thank you for your advice paulus, it's a nice surprise to get a helpful answer so quickly from yourself across the two topics considering I thought I'd be told off for not caging them up when not working lol. Astanley with an attitude like that towards an admitted newbie who's trying to ensure he's doing right by his future dogs I don't think I'd want your 'pearls of wisdom' as it would undoubtably be very self gratifying, and would probably lead to you arguing with everyone who says elsewise with lots of use of the word 'mate' (meaning I know I'm trying to annoy you) and 'IMO' (meaning i
  6. Because I wanted to see of there was a different thought process from different areas for the two types of working dog. For the springer I've been told that it must be kept in a run otherwise it picks up bad habits having free range, but found out afterwards that this person tends to talk through his arse about dogs. For the lurcher a friend has put across a number of reasons for a run, main one being that it gets used to the cold for when it's out lamping, which seems a bit overkill, plus he's got very old school views inherited from his dad
  7. Lookin at getting a lurcher soon for lamping and ferreting, but it will also be considered a family pet and be allowed in the house when we're home. Would it make any difference to how well the dog works etc if it slept indoors and had the free range of the garden during work hours (with kennel for shelter), rather than being locked in a kennel and run over night and during work hours
  8. Lookin at getting a springer for rough shooting and picking up at driven shoots, but it will also be considered a family pet and be allowed in the house when we're home. Would it make any difference to how well the dog works etc if it slept indoors and had the free range of the garden during work hours (with kennel for shelter), rather than being locked in a kennel and run over night and during work hours
  9. Is the mossberg still available? Where abouts you live? Thanks
  10. The 410 still available? Where do you live? Thanks
  11. I'm after the same product or simular. Post with details if anything known
  12. I'm after the same product or simular. Post with details if anything known
  13. thing is a greyhound cross would be too big for getting into all the cover that a proper flusher should get into. i cant find catcher1 on the members list or in the for sale section, any chance of a link or something?
  14. im looking at getting my first dog but coming a bit stuck on what breed would be best for me i want one for clearing cover/bushing to a shotgun and ideally retreiving and working with ferrets but id also like to have something suitable for lamping rabbits. origionally the beddy x whippet was coming up trumps but i saw a previous topic where everyone was saying theyre not good for training, specially for a first timer. and just seen another topic saying a springer cross wouldnt be good enough at either job. if i had to drop a category it would be lamping which then means getting a s
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