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Everything posted by scotty1234

  1. as he was a former gers plasyer i have no comment lol
  2. lol thats a bit rich comming from you chimp haha cant believe you had the gall to write that and for someone who has only been a member for two days you seem to think you know me , its ok to send the threats to my pm . go nuts like threats? why would i wanna do that mate.bneen a member for years actually just having probs with my account.
  3. lol thats a bit rich comming from you chimp haha cant believe you had the gall to write that
  4. he had an idea and being a scientist it he tried to achieve his goal and did,it could also be said it ended the war with japan.Defo saved thousands of lifes,there no way the japs would have surrendered otherwise.they would have to have fought to the very last jap.can also be arguerd it has kept peace between the worlds super powers.he saw the error of his ways though and became an extreme anti bomb at the end up. "now i have become death,the destroyer of worlds"
  5. mengele think you would have a better convo with Reinhard Heydrich lol
  6. I hated when guys offered good cash when i kept greyhounds.guaranteed you turned it down,and within a month the f*****g dog ended up injured.
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