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Everything posted by jezza

  1. back to the topic, i have never really seen a bigger dog than what i have (25 inch) take rabbits so i cannot judge, but my other dog is about 19inch and my bigger dog picks them up just as easy, but when ferreting ect the smaller dog is more nimble though the trees ect, so i believe it depends what you are doing with it, what ground you are running, daytime or nightimte ect, has anyone got a vid of these dogs rabbiting?
  2. cheers, yeah we are hoping to release them in a nature reserve when fully matured
  3. cheers, had them out in the garden today, they just follow you about like a dog, cant get rid of the little buggers lol
  4. photos can make pups look skinny, especially in the light, regardless the pup is nice atb
  5. hi guys, my mum was out in the tractor cutting the grass and rescued two new-born leverets which werent breathing when she went up to them, they were being born as she was driving up to them when she saw the mother trying to push them out, and physically nudging them to pull them out, after giving one cpr and rubbing them they started to come back and after 10 mins they were crawling about, now theyre coming up to two weeks old and feeding off the bottle very well, here's a picture of them, the first one is from the other night and the one where theyre feeding is from tonight
  6. i agree moll, at home my dogs will not touch chickens or if there's a wild pheasant in the garden they wont bother with it, but on walks ect they love flushing/trying to catch them
  7. friends have had collie/greys and whippet/greys, i prefer watching the whip/greys, do or die type, great to watch
  8. i dont think this would achieve anything, i also dont believe that people are disrespecting mods or admins, just trying to help make the site a better place, atb Ian started THL for all to enjoy. and has clearly stated the rules, time and time again, yet some folks clearly flout those rules, they wouldnt be allowed to get away with it on other dog forums, once banned, thats it, your banned, to lenient on this site, some of the stuff posted asking for trouble, wait and see No respect shown to admin and mods but other site are invite only and thats the way they want it start
  9. I agree Leveller, there is a lot of people detached from the countryside as you say, they just want to kill, thats it basically, or something to put up a fight. How or where its done they don't care.. , just wish it could be like the earthdog section where posts are checked before being posted to avoid un-necessary bans
  10. sometime in spetember in the grass fields but more grown up areas will have to wait until the nettles ect ave died down
  11. nice pup lol, have you got him some permission mate? as i wouldnt rely on other people to take you out, get him a nice collar and youll be on to a winner lol, atb
  12. Never mind back to school next week isn't it hahaha! eh, im back to school though, dont steretype us please lol
  13. who gives a shit about antis? you cant just live in fear, we shouldn't be worried about what they think and we should be able to look back at dogs ect which did us proud, or times where we felt our dog did well one day and so should be able to share the moment with other like minded people but thats just it mate you do not give a shit about them and when that hunting bill ever gets brought to the house of commons again or where ever it gets looked at and all the antis that scroll trough this site every day produce all the stuff they probably print off here and things get worse over thei
  14. i dont think this would achieve anything, i also dont believe that people are disrespecting mods or admins, just trying to help make the site a better place, atb
  15. who gives a shit about antis? you cant just live in fear, we shouldn't be worried about what they think and we should be able to look back at dogs ect which did us proud, or times where we felt our dog did well one day and so should be able to share the moment with other like minded people but thats just it mate you do not give a shit about them and when that hunting bill ever gets brought to the house of commons again or where ever it gets looked at and all the antis that scroll trough this site every day produce all the stuff they probably print off here and things get worse over thei
  16. who gives a shit about antis? you cant just live in fear, we shouldn't be worried about what they think and we should be able to look back at dogs ect which did us proud, or times where we felt our dog did well one day and so should be able to share the moment with other like minded people
  17. the fact of the matter is, the rules are stupid and need changing as there has been many misunderstandings already between users and mods, which has already led to users getting incorrect punishment, it is going to obviously be very hard to prove whether pictures were before the ban ect or in a different country, so why cant the mods put it back to how it was and choose individual posts to delete which sound fishy?!
  18. Correct !! I put many pics of dogs and foxes on here, but they were taken where it's legal ! So what has my IP address got to do with it ??? A badly thought out rule, I think ! Cheers. exactly my point mate! something needs to be done, because i can see this site going drastically down hill, its strange how no mods have had an imput in this matter
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