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About loaded

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  1. sailed up the west coast scotland to see it from the sea was class up through the isle's and into fort william up through the caladionion canal on a tall ship the seanary was stunning I'm envious, one of my lifes ambitions to do the caledonian canal.
  2. hahaha, he wouldnt be able to hear you, what with all the speaches he made Aye... he probably wouldn't understand me either.... wee australian alkie that he is....
  3. loaded


    You'll probably still do better than the UK mate. Eurovision is a hutch of pish... never the same since Wogan left.
  4. I'd like to have a talk with William Wallace..... I'd tell him what the b*****ds were planning lol
  5. A recent study was done into the location of a mans G spot... And conclusive proof was found that it is definately at the back of a womans throat!!!

  6. Best place in the world is Skegness.
  7. loaded

    What's that smell?

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