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Everything posted by digginmad2011

  1. swim well to Not with a brick on there back they dont......... Blan you want to get a broom handle and chap a big nail in the end, cut the head of and leave a nice point................ i hope your next shit is a hedgehog then you may reconsider being nasty to them there totally f****n mint get rid of slugs that can kill dogs etc!!!!!!! Learn something new every day FTB sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and if i remember correctly i was once told by a man that if a slug gets into your dogs waterbowl it causes something on there lungs i will 100% stand corrected
  2. swim well to Not with a brick on there back they dont......... Blan you want to get a broom handle and chap a big nail in the end, cut the head of and leave a nice point................ i hope your next shit is a hedgehog then you may reconsider being nasty to them there totally f****n mint get rid of slugs that can kill dogs etc!!!!!!!
  3. double up for first five or so then try him single he may just need that extra hand until he knows where to grab them
  4. a live near a good little spot for plenty rabbits fields are too small to run with the lamp but ideal for ferrets NO GUNS
  5. hedgehogs are mint got a good slap across the head the other night for swerving to miss one on the road totally cool as f**k they are!!!!
  6. hey ho guess whos back hahahaha

  7. honey am back!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha

  8. nio trwats just fuss and walk away as hes coming back and i was told not to look the dog in the eye worked for me atb dm
  9. think 8month is a bit sharp for charlie mate but good luck with it atb DM
  10. this still for sale mate pm if so plz pal
  11. why try and change the dog if he/she does the business leave his feet the way they are not a dig just an opinion good luck pal atb digginmad2011
  12. ebay i paid 5er for my collor nice strong leather aswell atb
  13. would love a bull russell already have a patt pup and bull x not enough room a.t.m hopeing to expand soon just gonna disguise it as doing the garden for our lass :whistling: :whistling:
  14. 3 not much energy after three good runs
  15. Can you pm me the list again mate so I can order my three al be payin on Friday paypal ain't it Cheers mate
  16. Very very nice looking dog that mate she will do you proud good luck mate and happy birthday Atb digginmad2011
  17. the black plastic mouth piece works the best for me very effective
  18. you in pal was gonna have a peddle over

  19. It don't matter where we live how we live when we are in the field we should all be a team wether it's ferreting flying b.o.p or lamping everyone is equal and if you treat your animals with the respect they deserve your a good dog man in my eyes Atb digginmad2011
  20. Nobody could even contemplate answering that mate depends on breeding what she's running how much you show her the list goes on
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