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Everything posted by digginmad2011

  1. Go door knocking worst they can say is NO
  2. cheers mate speak on thursday to confirm postcodes
  3. good stuff mate look like good parents think [NO TEXT TALK] who gets a pup should keep us all up to date
  4. good luck mate and nice too see free too good working homes for pups atleast there is someone who isnt all about the money :thumbs:
  5. they arent rocky1's am almost posotive
  6. mint night last night cheers boys

    1. digginmad2011


      yes mate should be ok running with duke though if you catch my drift


    2. rocky1


      should be mate

    3. digginmad2011
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  7. mint night last night cheers boys

  8. see the world will be a better place if we all just live with them instead of killin them they do f**k all to hurt us or plants shrubs etc all they wanna do is eat slugs hahahaha HEDGEHOGS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA ATB DIGGINMAD
  9. dont see the problem with doubelin up if one dog is lacking confidence or speed i like doublein up when there are two dogs running if am alone then have no choice to slip single but like seein a team run the beam
  10. yeah trousers are big av got the ram pants got the right size but deffo need a belt the lengh is perfect
  11. off for a walk with the dogs peace out

    1. digginmad2011


      i dont catch them there cool hahaha

    2. rob190364


      just been out...miles too hot!

    3. digginmad2011


      far too hot mate i agree


    4. Show next comments  18 more
  12. off for a walk with the dogs peace out

    1. carp man 1

      carp man 1

      f**k me is to hot were i am

  13. i think you need a different type of wormers ,normel wormers only do tape and round ,i think milibaxs does lungworm it was you who told me about tht rocky1 if i remember correctly
  14. grow up man you childish prick just because i was right and you were wrong now go back to being a keyboard hunter that knows f**k all about anything apart from wanking yourself skinny peace out digginmad
  15. anyone got a knife with damascus steel blade is it the best steel you can buy????
  16. bit bright for lampin :D but looks good atb with the sale
  17. swim well to Not with a brick on there back they dont......... Blan you want to get a broom handle and chap a big nail in the end, cut the head of and leave a nice point................ i hope your next shit is a hedgehog then you may reconsider being nasty to them there totally f****n mint get rid of slugs that can kill dogs etc!!!!!!! Learn something new every day FTB certainly do dipshit hahahahaha hows do ya like them apples keep your sarcasm to yourself next time
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