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Everything posted by digginmad2011

  1. cluelite lamp with 12v7ah battery for sale no scratches dents or scuffs only been used few times selling because have just bought a lightforce sunderland area pick up only please if interested call 07889227121 atb digginmad
  2. No just the sealed batt am after the striker face so j can swap over but also have a cluelight for rabbits but can't beat the blitz variable power for calling in foxes don't spook them as much I would use the red filter but think there too much of a f**k on
  3. Was looking for second hand blitz but av just had to buy it new blitz variable 17ah batt charger etc etc £238 not bad if you ask me can't wait to test her out to me there the best lamp on the Market way do you think????
  4. A have several diggin partners and everyone of us own patts or lakie x patts never let us down hope this helps Atb with your choice digginmad
  5. yes trial first of course but i deffo would :thumbs:
  6. indians n bed for me work the morra starting to think am just a fcukin machine all work no play makes ross a very ritch but dull boy

  7. i have a 6/7 month old patterdale and would like to get her on the rats ASAP i have my own transport not to far would be ideal if [NO TEXT TALK] can help thanks atb digginmad (north east)
  8. off out with rocky1 on the lamp tonight hopefully get a few good little tips n get a good bag

    1. terrierone


      did u get owt then

    2. rocky1


      think we only got 2 slips ,1 on a red and the other a hare ,better look next

  9. fukin babysitters drop me in it everytime cant have a dodge out with the lamop now so its take me out n bed for me the b*****ds

    1. Lab


      That was comedy genius ya fud....you dont get it cause yer too thick Fudge!!!!.......lol

    2. judge2010


      fudge??? you got downsyndrome?

    3. digginmad2011


      hahaha thats was canny good tht like

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  10. i dont mean i lamp out of my motor mate i always park up and walk and only slip one dog at a time saves wincing on every twist and turn and also saves injuries :yes: atb digginmad
  11. got your pm mate av asked a lad i know and just typical his van is knackered diesel pump is fukced really sorry mate he said he would av done it but its gonna be three weeks before vans ready by the time he gets part and gets it fitted really sorry again i couldnt of been more of a help good luck with getting your bird mate have you posted on the iff when i had my harris a picked her up from hertfordshire and had two drop offs on my way to pay for my deisel and to help the other iff lads out but all went well atb digginmad
  12. thanks for that mate but it hasnt got all of them on i know of two thats on in june that aint on tht site
  13. whens the next and nearest show or gamefair to sunderland??????
  14. whats the locations of pick up and drop off if near i may be able to sort something out for you mate
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