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the moff

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Everything posted by the moff

  1. dose brain nuttall still sell pups he's bred ? and if he dose how do you go about getting 1 ?

    1. catchwrestler


      Would love to know how to contact him as well !

  2. i really need a locator any one no where any second hand working ones up for sale ? ?

    1. FightTheBan


      Ive got an Mk3 for sale at the minute if its of any use to you.

    2. the moff

      the moff

      how much you wanting for it bud and were abouts are you ?

  3. alright mate just wondering is it a long range or just the 16 footer ?
  4. alrighthave you still got the borderlakey ? wb please
  5. A locator collar is going to cost between £150-£350 depending on what youre after and can afford, the old deben boxes are a good place to start if on a tight budget and can be found on here in the ads or ebay etc or the newer long range deben is ok dont go for the mark 2 or 3 though they were known for trouble, then there is the ortovox stuff which i use and cant fault it (D3) or the bellman and flint which is expensive but also well worth it and i cant fault that. any of the l;ocator systems are a good thing as you can get a mark and keep digging until there instead of digging blindly at t
  6. was wondering mate is the mk 1 a 8 foot or a 15 ? wb please bud
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