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Everything posted by stav11

  1. Just a thread about the dangers of jumping to me
  2. And here are the nominees.......black dogs for dog jumping no.1.............black dogs for dog jumping no.2......etc etc etc What dogs are you working fellas
  3. that big rabbit was asking for it mate,i think my dogs collar would of accidently slipped on that
  4. good one mate, hopefully out tonight if the fog stays away.
  5. nah mate thats where i would draw the line,i came across a gate the other week with that razor wire all over it that was a definate no no for the pup. did you see the big rabbit been nice for the pup would of been mate,had mine out this morn he put a rabbit out of hedge had a few turns then spotted a sharp thing coming out of hedge the little git took off lol
  6. face it lads we live in britain we nolonger have any rights they took it all away,there now aiming at us not having any money f**king bone heads :wankerzo4:
  7. nah mate thats where i would draw the line,i came across a gate the other week with that razor wire all over it that was a definate no no for the pup.
  8. FEW DOUBLE FENCES HERE AS WELL SEEM TO BE MORE REGULAR IN PLACES there appearing alot down myway to,ive made a make shift double fence in my garden ready for them.
  9. true mate thats why ive spent alot of time with me pup getting him jumping and enjoy jumping.
  10. all good vids [bANNED TEXT] id rather have a dog jump than one that wont and you have to carry all the time.
  11. thing is with what your saying is no decent lurcher lad or lass will let there dog or dogs out of there sight,you go and ask a cat owner if they know where there cat has been see what answer you get,im not saying that its ok to go kill cats but it annoys the life out of me how they can roam so freely. No decent lurcher lad will let their dogs out of their sight? You really think that? I suppose you only lamp stuff? Yer it annoys me that cats are allowed to roam, but at the end of the day they do, its not something that gives you a right to kill somones pet. True ferals are obviou
  12. thing is with what your saying is no decent lurcher lad or lass will let there dog or dogs out of there sight,you go and ask a cat owner if they know where there cat has been see what answer you get,im not saying that its ok to go kill cats but it annoys the life out of me how they can roam so freely. No decent lurcher lad will let their dogs out of their sight? You really think that? I suppose you only lamp stuff? Yer it annoys me that cats are allowed to roam, but at the end of the day they do, its not something that gives you a right to kill somones pet. True ferals are obviou
  13. thing is with what your saying is no decent lurcher lad or lass will let there dog or dogs out of there sight,you go and ask a cat owner if they know where there cat has been see what answer you get,im not saying that its ok to go kill cats but it annoys the life out of me how they can roam so freely.
  14. they can make cuts with the armed forces but pay that fat bitch to buy mcdonalds
  15. nice lookng pup that mate hes an identical look of mine when he was a pup.
  16. am i right in sayin lucky had no saluki in it,not sure just a question?
  17. I know this is a bullx conversation but I got a deerhoundx he's 7 month at 26 tts and just over 20 kilos is that big for that age
  18. Ye good watch he also got out 1 man nd his dogs another good watch and a cold wind blows well worth it
  19. Would like to see this dvd
  20. Your right about the bitchs fighting dogs fight for top dog then it stops where I no by personal experience bitchs fight to the death
  21. had a 1stx and now got mother nd 2 sons,mother 1/4bull 1/4 deerhound 1/2 grey ,duke bull/deerhound x deerhound /saluki rocky bull/deerhound x bull/airedale Sound Good [bANNED TEXT] I've currently got deerhound/greyxcollie/grey/bed/whip 7 month old coming on well
  22. Mine was first x bull/greyxsaluki/grey/whip would love another of this cross what's urs rocky1
  23. I've had 1 bullx nd she was by far the best all rounder I ever owned she was game,clever,loyal,devoted nd protective of the family nd kennel mates her life was ended a few weeks after her kennel mate hit a fence after a fox nd his brain hemridged he was a colliex that same fence nd possibly same fox took her life her neck was broken clean. Would I have another bullx yes I would from the right stamp of parents.
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