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Everything posted by stav11

  1. this my 9 month old deer/greyxcolie/grey/bed/whip
  2. ive spoke to a probation officer i know about this, her responce was that her bassat hound runs the hares nearly every morning whilst out walking,there dogs they where bred to hunt and you cant take that out of a dog no matter how much you try.
  3. i have just got a blueeye 200,000cp cracking lamp for small fields i have never seen a filter for 1 though
  4. i can actually say yes i have,she was a bull/greyxsaluki/grey/whip r/h/f/d day time,night time also catch feather retrieve a line caught trout,she was sound ferreting out with terriers would draw at the end of a dig and was ok out on the shoot retrieving shot pidgeon/pheasant. unluckly was killed at the age of 7 due to an accident r.i.p lass
  5. i ask only because under the poaching act shining a spot light or lamp on land you do not have permission on is classed illegal also hunting from a moving vehicle is also under the poaching act,the law stinks but check it out on wiki mate.
  6. could you please describe to me the exact charge you have been giving i.e night poaching act 1828 or what ever it was thanks.
  7. its like it round my way, i seen a lad the other day walking down one of the buisiest roads full of traffic with a terrier a big bullx and a spade over his shoulder in full camo, now if thats not saying im going for dig i dont know what is
  8. my old bullx used to retrieve line caught trout instead of using a land net,she just dove in 1 day as i was about to land it i started bollocking her till i relised what she was doing,after then she would lay and wait for me to catch lol.
  9. it is a good watch plenty of kills ive still got a copy
  10. when i was a greenkeeper on my local course i caught the rspca releasing at the side of the course,i asked what the hell are they doing,there response was well they can do no harm on a golf course,i asked them to have a look and showed them the damage to edges of bunkers then the greens they said they understood and no more would be released there, 2 weeks later i caught them again and they still do it now, but hey i cant complain i have to walk my dog alot more now
  11. oh they serious alrite like i said the dog looks the part and then some he dont make any big claims on its ability graft wise mind,honest enough lad to his credit sells pups at sensible prce as well from what Im told it aint that big a place where i live at and only so many places to exercise dogs same graft wise, I never ever see em at all in the winter, same with most the lads from the local lurcher club come spring when its nice around 7am they all out in force, same of an evening especially the young uns going lamping, better they down fields than round streets though you fr
  12. what happined to marching as 1 supporting as 1 we all in this together as 1, the goverment screwed over as 1 so no matter what we wear,what colour we are,what dogs we have we should be as 1,thats where we fxxked up
  13. nice bit of kit them gators they will drive through any thing
  14. sorry for your loss mate atb
  15. i was a greenkeeper on a local course to me for 7 years which was good for me and dogs,but it did take a full season for the dogs to learn the ground,the following season they where all on form and i found the dogs to be even better on normal ground,at the time of working there i was runing a bullx a salukix and beddyx stick at it mate because 1 good thing is get a permission slip off the head greenkeeper or chairman of club and when shown to farmers they see you can be trusted on land atb
  16. im currently bringing on a deer/greyxcollie/grey/bed/whippet both parents where good alrounders hopefully mine will be the same or better hope you find what ya want mate
  17. cock his leg up a coppers leg whilst i was been quizzed what i was doing on a bit of permission i was on i had to bite my lip to stop me laughing and the copper didnt notice
  18. i have only ever had 1 so far she was a first xbull/greyxsaluki/grey/whippet,she would catch any thing from pheasant mid air to big bambi she excelled her self on the fox both day,night and at rhe end of dig,she was a true alrounder and a best friend to me,sadly just after i explained to her about the ban coming in she ran a fox across a field over a fence whitch had metal railings on the other side she hit it head on and was killed out right at 5 year old,could never breed off her as she only came into season once when she was a pup after that she never came in again. to me she was a wonder d
  19. all very nice dogs atb with them.
  20. nah didnt get out mate and i was at a wedding all day sat at redworth some very nice areas i seen up there
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