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Everything posted by stav11

  1. stav11


    le chameau's all the way bought a pair in about 2004 and they only went on me last season got new pair with out a thought
  2. what boils my piss is these twats stand and shout abuse at our troops returning from afghanistan calling them murderers and rapists , its there own kind they should be looking at the dirty horrible c..ts
  3. well done to the lad, tell him to keep his head down and chin up and take a trade atvb to him and you will be even more proud on his passing out parade :thumbs:
  4. i tried this a few year ago and it worked but also the older dog took a disliking to any pup after that, must of been the thought of being dragged around again.
  5. good vid fella whats the music called?
  6. some good shots there gafer and nice dogs
  7. if you just put a picture of your dog/pup usally the first one or two replies goes, nice dog/pup hows it bred so i reckon thats why people do it. but isnt it a big fall if after all the excitement and publicising of a pup if it jacks, after all wouldnt it be public embarassment as well as personal disapointment?? if it jacked then people will no not to go down that line of breeding.. I agree with trigger and socks, i dont agree with your comment at all. No breeding no matter how good has a 100% record, so if a dog from Punch, or Merlin and Eve, or Minshaw jacks you would never h
  8. if you just put a picture of your dog/pup usally the first one or two replies goes, nice dog/pup hows it bred so i reckon thats why people do it. but isnt it a big fall if after all the excitement and publicising of a pup if it jacks, after all wouldnt it be public embarassment as well as personal disapointment?? if it jacked then people will no not to go down that line of breeding..
  9. there are mass fox population where i live with allotments at 1 side of me to a great big hospital the other and then there is people throwing scrap food out for them, it was only the other week me and the mrs where sat watching tele when the dog hurtled at the window trying to get out, when i looked out there was to mooching through the green, there everywhere now.
  10. ebay do them but i am sure there is a lad on hear that will do them for ya cheaper will have a look cheers Mr Pit will have them, I have them but they are lent out ok thanks mate
  11. ebay do them but i am sure there is a lad on hear that will do them for ya cheaper will have a look cheers
  12. where can you get these vids or dvds from ?
  13. i have always believed the explosion of the fox number was down to the country side getting smaller and the towns getting bigger, with no towns about the fox has to work for its food and try to gain as much food as it can to feed the young, but with towns a fox can find it much more easier to feed itself and its young,which would give a much more larger population rate.
  14. i was 27 and had a heart attack was nothing to do with fitness i had a infection round my heart called myopericarditous, the muscles round your heart inflame and stop your heart from working properly, put the fear of god up me, i never smoked hardly drank and my fitness was of good, can happen to anyone.
  15. stav11


    cracking vid that first 1 mate welldone
  16. ive had this myself and i actually corrected it by making myself look like an idiot running screaming away from the dog, he looked puzzled at first but the wanting to chase and play took over and he came running straight to me, i praised him up loads and after a couple of times his recall was 90% better he still lacks making that 100% daytime but on the lamp it is 100% atb
  17. which 1 did you get i seen these on facebook put a pic up
  18. toby deerhound/greyxcollie/grey/bed/whip
  19. stav11


    id replace it with please poach
  20. j.darcy books are all a good read and are the type of book you can read again and again.
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