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Everything posted by hawkins26

  1. The lad has 3 dog pups left if anyone is interested
  2. The pup I have picked is a big white dog drove 3 hours to put a deposit down yesterday
  3. Been after a saluki grey for about a month just got back on my feet lost everything when me and the ex broke up had to sell both my dogs be good just to mooch about with the pups this summer
  4. Cheers mate I have a 12 week old jagd pup that thinks it's a Doberman right little b*****d sits in the window growling at people walking by
  5. Picking a pup up out of romeo and the dam out of Charlie x fly next week
  6. Cheers mate proper happy with this pup might even get a Patterdale when I move off grunter he keeps some good terriers
  7. He is mad walk by your side but when we turn back round he runs back have to put him on the lead runs back lol only 10 week old so easily sorted haha
  8. Only 8 week old so quick walk on the beach 2 more weeks till second injections
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