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Everything posted by hawkins26

  1. Its mad to see as soon as he hears a noise and he cant see it he goes on his back legs
  2. Anyone elses dog check fields like this nutter its like a meerkat
  3. My lass bought a jagd terrier its the nastiest little b*****d I have ever come across its class with us and the kids but hates everyone else its to much of a liability to work has to be muzzled round other dogs when we go to bed the little twat sits growling at people walking past the house Would never have one again lol
  4. There's some for sale in Leeds for 200 pound on dragon driving
  5. I will be after a pure within the next 6 to 12 month just bought a house so gonna build a kennel i already have a romeo x diamond pup but always fancied a pure especially out of nero gutted there ready now i will pm articgun put my name down for in the future
  6. Wouldn't mind seeing pups out of Nero if anyone has any
  7. Does john still sell pure bred salukis saw he got them stolen a couple of month back thinking of putting my name down for one or seeing if Nero will be having any pups on the ground within the next year
  8. He will be in some condition in september mate he is this strongest pup i have ever had
  9. Will be a good stamp i think when fully grown
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