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Everything posted by blan89

  1. never had a hangover as such but if it's been a very heavy one and i'm feeling drained, a fry up and another drink'll sort it.
  2. is it? 'The anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a revolution.'-tolstoy my belief is we can either progress by adding more laws and licensing every aspect of life,which will further erode any critical thinking and moral compass that our people have (if everythings legislated there's no need to think,I think that's why so many people today seem to have n
  3. you mean che? your a funny lad scot,though his political opinions would be closer to yours than mine where do the educated people disappear to? we'd have better and cheaper private schools,best of all only the people who used them would need to pay. they'd be more efficient because the free market demands they be so. as for the millions of nutters thing,well if it got the point we needed no government,we'd (society) be able to look after ourselves. though like i said that's a maybe in the distant future,for now a limited government is the way to go imo. I know you
  4. is it? 'The anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a revolution.'-tolstoy my belief is we can either progress by adding more laws and licensing every aspect of life,which will further erode any critical thinking and moral compass that our people have (if everythings legislated there's no need to think,I think that's why so many people today seem to have n
  5. did you read that post i put up scot? limit the government as much as possible (that may or may not mean anarchy) and do it gradually,it won't come through revolution/force. the government is by it's very nature inefficeint,we pay for that innefficiency as well as whatever is taken off the top by paying for shit like public schooling,the nhs etc. they could be run far cheaper and better privately,more so if the government was unable to take its pound of flesh (tax) .
  6. Can you not see how one is of some use and is doing good for their country, and the other is just a burden to those that love him and society (in most cases). no I can't see how either is doing any good for anyone atm (google' terrorists motives blowback') ,but I can see how you could. no government intervention is necessary to help smackheads,if they commit a crime send them down with no methadone,if not let them rely on charity. why should we have to pay for them?
  7. is it? 'The anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a revolution.'-tolstoy my belief is we can either progress by adding more laws and licensing every aspect of life,which will further erode any critical thinking and moral compass that our people have (if everythings legislated there's no need to think,I think that's why so many people today seem to have n
  8. Serving your country? even if you actually believe that (from someone who's 'served') both paths were chosen by the individual.
  9. Thats true..........they can do what they like, especially as we are talking about a bit weed here. Problem i have is with the smackheads...there was an article in the paper the other day about a young girl who had a £400 a day habit....wonder how she funded that then?.... ... same with drugs,only the user suffers because of they're stupidity. That's like saying if you got murdered, it wouldn't matter because it would only be you that got stabbed / shot / battered to death etc... Do you not think the people that care about the drug abuser don't suffer? How about the user
  10. Expected a response, although not from you, I find your posts very entertaining and your photos are class, my post was not directed at anyone but everyone (work that one out) nowadays it all seems to be about numbers and results whereas years ago quality and enjoyment seemed to be the main factor. People hunted for pleasure rather than results. Maybe I'm getting old.. my dogs aren't good enough for the numbers game,unless the number happens to be 1 (that's if we're counting mixy rabbits)
  11. thats good adivise,,,,but can i ask canaliculata,,,,,WHY DAYTIME???? ur speaking running dogs then,,,those guys are a diffrent breed who own them,,,that bring out the very best out on the day,,,,which makes it harder as they aint out for the odd mooch ,,,,there out to run the best sport the land can offer why dont ya go down the path off the lamping /mooching lurcher?????? tbf mate he said daytime mooching in small fields. I don't think he means what you think he means.
  12. I only heard about that myself recently,some horrific things happened to that lad. I believe it was actually a pakistani MP that went over to pakistan and brought them to justice in the end.
  13. I can understand that being on the news again as two of the accused have been brought back up in front of the judge again for that killing. Even with that case though, I'm sceptical as to it being what they portrayed it to be. IMO they were a gang of stupid young lads out looking for a bit of trouble. Had they come across any young man regardless of colour they'd more than likely started trouble with them and done the same thing. They didn't set out to attack a black man from the off, it just so happened Steven Lawrence was black, he was there with his mate and was good enough for a leathe
  14. i'm probably not qualified to give advice here,but i'd just try and find a pup of any breeding that is bred of parents doing what you want.
  15. I know as much as the old bill do at the minute, so I don't f*cking know clever cloggs. If you don't know the motives, how can you possibly pin a motive to the crime? Ok sherlock, So just a random act a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, bit like your Stephen Lawrence theory??? because the lad was asian doesn't mean it was a racist attack does it? no more than if the races were reversed.
  16. Thats true..........they can do what they like, especially as we are talking about a bit weed here. Problem i have is with the smackheads...there was an article in the paper the other day about a young girl who had a £400 a day habit....wonder how she funded that then?.... ... same with drugs,only the user suffers because of they're stupidity. That's like saying if you got murdered, it wouldn't matter because it would only be you that got stabbed / shot / battered to death etc... Do you not think the people that care about the drug abuser don't suffer? How about the user
  17. It was all over the news a few weeks ago about some black lad getting killed 18 odd years ago and how it was possibly racially motivated. load of shit,how many whites have been killed/attacked because of their race by ethnic minorities since then?
  18. Thats true..........they can do what they like, especially as we are talking about a bit weed here. Problem i have is with the smackheads...there was an article in the paper the other day about a young girl who had a £400 a day habit....wonder how she funded that then?.... Feck knows, i doubt someone who uses that much would be capable of making that much money by any means. i'd like everyone to be responsible for their own actions,i got stopped by a pcso the other day backing out of the drive without my seatbelt on,who does that effect apart from me? same with drugs,only the u
  19. What difference does it make to your life what someone else chooses to ingest? hard or soft,no-one forces anyone to take drugs. so why should you the state or anyone else get involved in someone elses business?
  20. I just see it as a shame and a waste to shoot anything that can be taken with a dog. there's no selection,the strong die as often as the weak.
  21. reminds of a time when i was about 4 or 5 and managed to catch a mouse in a friends backyard,i rushed home to show it to my mum,who was asleep in bed at the time and happens to hates mice. when i woke her up she seen it screamed and jumped back knocking it out of the kitchen roll i was holding it in,never to be found. good times.
  22. the hole i can see in that is,i've never know n or seen a woman of another race with a chinese man. have you? I have, I've seen Chinky blokes with White birds and my Step Mom's dad was Chinese and her mother was Jamaican. alright mate,but it's not exactly common round here at least. i posted that originally because someone said chinks are only having/keeping male children so they can out breed us
  23. FFS....i hope you and Cold Ethyl dont go out for a days hunting cause you'll need a f*****g mini bus for all your gear................. leave the 4x4 at home and walk next time you go shooting,the kit i listed only weighs about 40 pounds you lazy f****r. FFS....i hope you and Cold Ethyl dont go out for a days hunting cause you'll need a f*****g mini bus for all your gear................. leave the 4x4 at home and walk next time you go shooting,the kit i listed only weighs about 40 pounds you lazy f****r. I'm afraid i need a 4x4 for the vast amount of poultry i am working
  24. FFS....i hope you and Cold Ethyl dont go out for a days hunting cause you'll need a f*****g mini bus for all your gear................. leave the 4x4 at home and walk next time you go shooting,the kit i listed only weighs about 40 pounds you lazy f****r. About 40lbs? I were only mooching local-ish, not setting off across the wilderness That's mental. I struggle with my flask and camera get a decent rucksack and you wouldn't know your carrying it.
  25. FFS....i hope you and Cold Ethyl dont go out for a days hunting cause you'll need a f*****g mini bus for all your gear................. leave the 4x4 at home and walk next time you go shooting,the kit i listed only weighs about 40 pounds you lazy f****r.
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