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Everything posted by blan89

  1. maybe so only mods could post? or a few more sensible members too. i spoke to an anti the other day who seemed relatively sane and listened to sense,just very ignorant. logic works in our favour,so imo opening up more discussion can only be a good thing.
  2. i've seen on another site that there is an opposing view section,i think it would be a good idea for here. anti-hunting people could put up questions and what they believe and some chosen members and mods could then enlighten them,they're on here anyway so it would be good to convert/wake up a few.
  3. I think the point is that you shouldn't need to put the dog outside. I am not saying you should trust a dog with a baby, I certainly wouldn't 100% but there is no reason to ever leave them alone so there shouldn't be an issue. I might start taking out my annoyance in the for sale section from now on, someone has to shame them accidents can happen,especially with strong,highly driven dogs. there's no chance i'd have one in the house with a baby,possibly if i was that way inclined i'd allow some dopey lab in the house (still never near the child),but not a terrier,lurcher or anyth
  4. why should the tax payer have to support a single kid? we'd have a lot less horrible creatures spreading their weak genes about if the decent people weren't forced to support them. (not necessarily these on the program, which i didn't watch)
  5. blan89

    Best Multi Gym

    I'd just get a decent bench some mats, bar and pair of dumbells. can't be much difference in price if you shop around
  6. i'd get rid of my dogs if i couldn't house them outside and had a kid. but then i'd probably not have a dog in the house anyway.
  7. Most cat owners are very strange and overly protective of their vermin,i'd probably drop it off at the vets if i hit one.
  8. i understand wanting to stay under the radar,just give it the 'yes,sir.no,sir.sorry sir' then be left alone. but that's not going to work for long imo,like has been said we're very heavily observed,it's going to get worse and with the way things are going with the E.U,things will get very bad. just out of curiosity and to let me try and work out your way of thinking. what exactly do you think is gonna happen. there are just as many daft laws protecting our rights are there are abusing them. prob more than the latter actually. things are too open to abuse,if things can be abused
  9. i understand wanting to stay under the radar,just give it the 'yes,sir.no,sir.sorry sir' then be left alone. but that's not going to work for long imo,like has been said we're very heavily observed,it's going to get worse and with the way things are going with the E.U,things will get very bad.
  10. 'I've been advised by my lawyer to remain silent' then goes on to have a 5 minute conversation with him.
  11. I'd want to know,a lot worse things can happen to a dog than it getting run over and killed quickly. good on you for helping them out.
  12. Jordan (katie price) i'm genuinely disgusted with myself for knowing her f*****g name. and anyone who's famous for being 'camp',though i'd rather they just died.
  13. looks like he may have them on a technicality. not sure what happens next though,except a re-match which he 'd probably get anyway.
  14. blan89

    Beggars dogs

    Yes there is help available but the problem is not everybody knows how to apply for it or even what help they are entitled to in the first place. Despite what people who have never needed or claimed the help think, if you don't know exactly how or what to apply for they won't often tell you what you're entitled too & just give it to you. Sadly, those who profit most are those who know the system inside out due to years upon years of abusing it.. that's right,but not an excuse imo it's not rocket science,just ask your local homeless heroin addict!
  15. blan89

    Beggars dogs

    if you can't swallow your pride i don't see how you can complain tbh.
  16. blan89

    Beggars dogs

    I disagree, at one point i was out of work and went to citizens advice, and spoke to the benefits people, despite having no savings, young children and bills i was told it would take 18 weeks for the benefits to kick in, i was entitled to a 25% reduction on my council tax and a job seekers claim of £67.50, what f*****g use was that after 20 odd years of paying tax and national insurance contributions. How can £67.50 pay for a families food/mortgage/gas/electric/water rates/tv licence/house insurance/car insurance/food etc etc...... Simple answer is it can't, we could of easily found ourselve
  17. blan89

    Beggars dogs

    I disagree, at one point i was out of work and went to citizens advice, and spoke to the benefits people, despite having no savings, young children and bills i was told it would take 18 weeks for the benefits to kick in, i was entitled to a 25% reduction on my council tax and a job seekers claim of £67.50, what f*****g use was that after 20 odd years of paying tax and national insurance contributions. How can £67.50 pay for a families food/mortgage/gas/electric/water rates/tv licence/house insurance/car insurance/food etc etc...... Simple answer is it can't, we could of easily found ourselve
  18. blan89

    Beggars dogs

    if you're homeless now in this country it's your own fault. no 2 ways about it.
  19. they should let Paxman at her,give him a 20 min slot with her,i guarantee she walks out or has a mental breakdown within that time.
  20. maybe they won't though,maybe they'll just piss and moan more. and with no-one challenging these retards,people who are on the fence and unable to think for themselves will side with them.
  21. S/H When are you going to wake up.It,s not down to gun,s It,s down to people.FFS you can get your hands on a gun theese day,s easy.Catcher. when you start to read a post/thread properly. im not saying illegal guns arent out there.however the past few gun massacres werent carried out by illegaly held guns. but its ok ill say no more other than rip to those who lost thier lifes recently. true but if i wanted to kill someone and didn't care about the consequences (like most of the recent cases I've read about) i'd do it with a knife,sword,machete,axe,bat or anything else close to hand
  22. the solution is obvious,just ban taxi drivers from owning fire arms. or if he wanted to he could of killed a lot more people with a car or van,it's already proven that tightening the availability of them hasn't helped.
  23. blan89

    Muay Thai

    muay thai is a form of martial arts, not a person!!! Well I am sorry you must be an expert lollol he's pulling your leg,don't listen to him mate. muay thai's good but i reckon karate would beat him. have you ever seen jujitsu fight? he's good too.
  24. worst time of the year to go out. I'd just have a social drink with the family.
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