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Everything posted by blan89

  1. all this from a dole scroungin south african asylum seeker
  2. I know this comes up a lot but strictly for rabbit's do you need anything except greyhound or whippet and collie blood? would beddy/saluki/deerhound etc really add anything concerning catching rabbit's?
  3. my birds just come back from town with her lip tongue and nose peirced,f****n fumin

    1. blan89


      pierced tongue's only good if she knows how to use it ..which she wont.


      she looks like a f****n freak,i'd leave her right now if we didnt have a kid, no joke.

    2. Ideation


      No half measures there. Trade her in for scrap? Price has gone up, might get a few bob.

    3. blan89


      i'd get a few quid with the size of these feckin studs aswell

    4. Show next comments  135 more
  4. considering the best hunting dogs have been bull dog blooded for hundreds of years (including the greyhound) i doubt anyone here will remember
  5. blan89


    so can a pencil in the wrong hands mate.
  6. that 1st person sounds like a super remf though,put it this way if your very switched on and fit you'll be promoted faster in the infantry than the core.
  7. ive got a ghost in my house that shits in the toilet and doesnt flush it,i havent caught him at it yet but he definitely likes sweet corn.
  8. even so mate you'll be at a big advantage if your super fit going into training. hope you dont mind being bossed around by fat dykes
  9. Bernard hopkins is imo one of the smartest all round fighters of our time,but my favourite to watch would have to be Gerald McClellan a really exciting fighter who was a good smart boxer but at the same time devastatingly powerful. i know he didnt get to fight that may times and didnt get to achieve anywhere near what i think he might of,but he's my favourite to watch.
  10. what regiment are you hoping to join? all the battalions within said regiment will be in different places so chances are you will only be able to narrow it down to 2-5 places,you'll be able to request but theres no guarantee. put it this way mate you cant be fit enough,i'd say to be on the safe side be able to run 13 miles and do an hour of intense circuit training aswell. oh and as my old man told me before i enlisted 'IF YOUR NOT USING IT PUT IT AWAY' lol
  11. blan89


    you dont pay taxes your on the dole. oi facking kaffa less of the back chat,yes?
  12. maybe they just want to put some heart into your shit bags? its a proven fact 99.9% of saluki x's jack on rat's and if you can find a good mouse taking one you've done better than most. joking btw, just thought i'd jump on the bandwagon
  13. blan89


    thats where our taxes go,keeping that creature alive and eating.
  14. you cant help but think they must get some pleasure out of killing in these way's because i really cant see what other reason there is, but i think its animal welfare we should be supporting not animal rights
  15. I was going to order something from here tomorrow,looks like i'll need to look somewhere else.
  16. i remember years ago some travelers kept offering to fight me or any of my mates eventually one of my mate's said he would but for £50 instead of the 100's they were talkin about,first punch he threw had the gypsy lad out cold lol fair play though his mates paid up straight away shook the lads hand and disappeared
  17. a pedo is someone who is attracted to children,ive seen many 15 year old girls that are fit and not definitely dont look like children,doesnt mean it would be right to shag them but being attracted to them does not make you a pedophile.
  18. a good mate who died in afghan,he's the only person who's death i have never been able to accept,i just cant accept it was his time.
  19. Fantastic spelling there.. Sorry im a gypsy boy, im out working for my money rather tan worryin about me spellin on a petty forum full of rasict wanks! are gypsies a different race? noooooooooooooooo (although they'll be growing extra fingers and toes soon if their inbreeding carries on)
  20. you'd think it would be worse getting them in the country than out because as far as i know Ireland hasnt actually banned any breed's just put restrictions on them meaning they need to be on lead etc.
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