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Everything posted by blan89

  1. no the question was could 5000 ANGRY down syndromees take over your town.
  2. you better hope i never get into a position of power boy
  3. just answer the question creatures. any holes and what would you do.
  4. the worlds banks all make a massive mistake,a genie grants you a wish whatever you find yourself with a trillion what do you do? I'd set up a safe business (small profit small risk type) move to china,gain citizenship and buy up a bit of land to build a giant fortress,next I recruit 2000-3000 soldiers who have to pass selection the equivalent of special forces training,these men also will become chinese citizens. then i sort a way to sneak them all into the U.K (apparently its easy enough to get in without being a trillionaire) from there my operatives working in 2-8 man teams,go to ev
  5. i wouldnt like to hunt/shoot a dog even if it was feral,if i had to i would but wouldnt get any pleasure from it. also shooting anything that can be taken with dogs is just a waste imo as for shooting tame animals be they lions,pheasants or anything inbetween,that is particularly f@cking retarded imo.
  6. if that man had refused to do his job he would of been killed,he would not of saved a single life just wasted his own.
  7. exactly mate,if those were Saluki's instead of Staffs they would still be plodding along trying to close the distance as we speak. its that off the mark explosion of speed that sets staffs apart from the rest imo
  8. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/188638-proper-staffords/page__st__180__gopid__2054752#entry2054752 at the bottom best to just stick to staffy's
  9. good for a dog thats been bought or is of unknown background,i'd never let a strange dog come into my kennels unless i was sure it at least had the initial jabs.
  10. its not just about size imo,haye cannot stay away from wlad and when he inevitably starts to take real punishment how long will he last? yes wlads a big man but hes not a slow and clumsy fighter like valuev he's a good all round boxer who's one downfall is his chin,but i think its very unlikely Haye will reach Wlads chin before Wlad reaches Hayes,Wlads got the tools out box and even knockout Haye without ever taking any real risks.
  11. Wlad smashes him imo but he takes no real risks so it doesnt happen until the mid to late rounds (depending on how well Hayes chin can withstand Wlads jab in the earlier rounds) would be good to see an English Heavyweight champion again but Hayes not the man imo,i just dont think he's not durable enough as a heavyweight.
  12. judge and then 4 of the random people who he's threatened to kill over pm on this forum
  13. I think that may be walking a fine line,imo prisons should be a financial burden on the government that way keeping people out (through education,fair wages etc) will be an investment not grooming people to get sent down. heres an interesting video on the subject http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAntiTerrorist#p/u/9/ofZS1gVaDcI
  14. congratulations,good to see he's doing well. he'll be running you ragged before you know it,all the best.
  15. they are just normal lads, like someone above said its not heart thats lacking its the fact people genuinely dont think they can possibly make a difference.
  16. if you get a well bred guard dog get it trained properly and nothing short of someone shooting it/beating it to death will stop it.
  17. The brits will do NOTHING and just take it on the chin as their is no fight in todays generation like their was 26 years ago in the miners strike and later the poll tax riots. I'd better tell my mates in afghan that. they should grow a pair of balls and go on strike
  18. What about prisons paying for themselves, down near here we have a prison farm, they are made to work the farm, and the money goes into running the prison, including the bit that they cant let folk out of. i think that would soon turn into prisons making profit,so more 'criminals'= more profits for them. which imo would lead to them inciting crimes as well as increasing sentences for petty crimes.
  19. as it stands if you got caught you'd no doubt get 'animal abuse',but if the dog control bill comes in then this along with almost all working of dogs will be illegal.
  20. i seen a video i think its in Iran where the family of a murdered man are allowed to be the ones who execute his killers by way of firing squad.
  21. an independent Scotland,ruled by Brussels.
  22. sorry to see this happen and to your question its just what a lot of kids do,smash up blow up and generally vandalise things. i used to be a little c**t and do things like this often and as an adult now i honestly dont know what possessed me to.
  23. if it could catch them,you've only got to look on youtube to see lots of videos of dogs treeing bears
  24. either way your not going to lose what theyve found even if it runs off and goes up a tree the dogs will let you know. i know its chained but even if it was loose i dont think theyd lose this bear.
  25. i assume that was schooling for the dogs,the point is their job is to find the quarry and stop it going far,they do the same with bears snd mountain lions but let me guess your terriers smash those for fun too.
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